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Today was the party and I was helping out Lynn like always. Just like how I help her for every damn party my best friend does. As always, she was freaking out before the party then changes into a wild person. I was helping by putting some chips on the bag slowly and at times I would eat them. That girl knew that BBQ chips were my favorite.

The doorbell ran and Lynn quickly dashed to get it.

"Summers and Hoods, how lovely to see my two best friends help me out!" Lynn happily said while holding the door.


"We're happy to help you out, Lynn." I didn't give a single fuck on who said that. I still poured the chips in the bowl.

"Elliot, come and meet Ruby and Lauren!" Lynn excitedly ordered me. I put the bag of chips down and turned around with a happy fake smile.

The girl from the dance was here. The Angel.

Ruby Summers was a very beautiful girl. She was perfect. I knew it was impossible for someone to be perfect, she was. She had an innocence presence with her that was very captivating. The fact that she was wearing a short black dress with heels made things worse for me. I wanted to rip that dress off her and fuck her the entire night.

"I already know him," Lauren told Lynn, I agreed with her. I met Lauren at a party two months ago. It wasn't Lynn's party but another party that a friend hosted.

The girl I didn't talk to was Ruby. Hell no. I didn't want to have a boner at this stupid party.

"I'm Ruby Summers," The girl made herself known when I had no intentions to speak with her.

"Elliot Evergreen," I shook her hand back. Her brown eyes stared deep into my cold blue ones. I missed those brown gentle eyes. My cold hand touched her warm and soft hand. We broke the handshake and went with our separate ways.

"Do you need help with anything, Lynn." I heard Ruby ask.

Lynn nodded, "I need help with so many things, Ruby." Lynn turned around to face Lauren. "Lauren help me put up the decorations, Ruby sweep the floor please." Lynn handed the broom to Ruby. Lynn and Lauren went to the kitchen to grab the decorations.

There were times where I would take a glance at Ruby. She would hummed to herself while sweeping the floor. She was a very cute girl, but she was too much for me.

I was someone who would break her heart if we dated. I wouldn't kill her, but I considered her mine already.

Ruby was different from all those girls that I dated in the past months and years. Ruby wouldn't want a boyfriend who was the town's infamous psycho killer.

I also knew Max Summers, he and I were best friends. I couldn't go for my best friend's little sister. I met him through Caleb, my brother who died in the fire accident. I did not miss that fucker at all. I hope he was rotting in hell.

As time passed by, people started to appear to the party. Now, it was where it all started. I had my separate plans from what Lynn had originally planned. I thought about killing Elena the girl of the party, but that's Lynn's friend. I had made a rule where Lynn's friends were not to be killed, and Ruby was part of that list.

"Hey, why are you hanging here all by yourself?" Speaking of the devil, it was Ruby who curiously asked me. I looked around me and figured that I was hanging by myself in the darkest corner. Just like that one night at the dance...

"I just needed sometime alone." I answered her. She was holding her cup so tightly for some reason. She looked so nervous, I decided to it into fear instead. I cornered her and let her drink fall to the carpet not even spilling on us. I looked deep in her brown eyes and see nothing but fear in them.

That's better...

My two hands holding up her tiny wrists, "Why so scared, Ruby?" I asked with a smirk. She looked at me but couldn't figure out what to say.

"I'm...not...scared." She blushed. I purposely made our lips brush each other. My hands go down to her waist. I was expecting for her to push me away, but no. My head was now at the crook of her neck. I needed her. I needed her badly.

"Please...stop." Ruby tried to beg, and so I do. I left her alone trembling with fear in the dark little corner that I was before.

I went upstairs and found Lauren and her boyfriend Eli making out. I apologized for disrupting them and quickly close the door. Tonight, I was planning to fuck a slut. I didn't want to kill. I wanted company.

"Let's dance, Elliot!" Lynn grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. I didn't really know how to dance. I never cared about dancing.

"Ugh, move your feet!" Lynn commanded. She grabbed both of my hands and started to slow dance with me. Lynn placed her head on my chest and I looked down.

If only she knew that she was dancing with Dark Woods' killer. I trusted Lynn with my life, I really do. In elementary school I was her protector, and then in middle school she met Lauren, Ruby, and Elena. That's when I stopped protecting her.

After my dramatic change, I stopped talking to her in school and only outside. I knew Lynn didn't have any feelings for me. She dated many guys and some of those heartbreaking guys are somewhat mysteriously murdered. Who murdered them?

Well, that's my secret.

"Hey, didn't you want to make a speech for Elena?" I looked down to Lynn and asked her. She looked up to me and nodded her head. Lynn left me to grab the microphone. The music stopped and everyone looked at her.

"Elena, where are you?" Lynn asked and Elena shouted for Lynn's attention. "Elena, you crazy weirdo, I will greatly miss you. You're a dumb whore who laughs at her own jokes which aren't even funny. I swear Elena, you go out there and you live your wonderful life. Leave Dark Woods before Blood gets you." Lynn started to tear up. She leaves the small stage crying.

Lynn went to Elena and hugged her. Everyone went back to their business. I looked at Ruby and see her laughing with a guy. Both of them flirting. I didn't like that guy. Ruby was mine and only mine.

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