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It was midnight already and the party just ended. I was lurking in the darkness for my next victim. When I felt a soft hand on my chest, I knew it wasn't Ruby. Instead, it was a girl who I remembered was considered a slut. This girl was too busy fucking guys that she wasn't in my list of killing.

"I was about to call you." I told her as I grabbed her ass.

"I'm already here. Let's go."

I just wanted to feel wanted tonight. Forget that I was a killer. Forget about Ruby and everyone.

Ruby Pov


"Ruby, wake up." I heard Max's voice talking to me. I had pillows on top of me which meant I had a deep sleep last night. "C'mon Ruby, Eli is making waffles and they're good." 

Of course, Lauren would get a boyfriend who cooks! She always said that her dream boyfriend was going to cook for her.

"Get your ass up." Max poked my cheek.

 "I'm up, I'm up." I laid up on my bed rubbing my eyes. I saw Max sipping his coffee while mentally judging me inside his head. 

"You look horrible." 

I narrowed my eyes at my brother who was all washed up and even had his messy hair  nicely combed. "No shit, I think I'd partied hard last night. Did Elena leave the town last night?" I asked.

"Yeah, she did."

I got out of my bed and looked at him with heavy eyes, "Okay, get out my room. I'm going to the bathroom." I told him as I walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

I almost crapped my pants once seeing my scary reflection. My hair was tangled, my makeup had smudged all over my face. I looked like shit. 

After I came out of the shower, and put on some clothes I go downstairs. I found Lauren laughing with her boyfriend Eli, Max talking to his date from last night. It was awkward now, because Max and Lauren kissed while dating other people. But now, that kiss was thrown to the trash and we must never speak of it again. 

"Morning guys," I sat down and find my honey covered waffles there for me. 

"Morning Ruby," Lauren happily said while Eli smiled at me. I remember seeing him around school, and hanging out with him since Lauren and him had a thing for each other. He played soccer and has been wrapped around Lauren's finger ever since. 

"Ruby," Max chuckled and clear his throat afterwards, "I want you to meet my girlfriend." I choked on my coffee when I hear the word girlfriend.

Lauren began to pat my back and I took steady breaths. I thank Lauren and I looked at the girl, it was Isabella Evergreen. She was the girl that Max had been crushing on since 5th grade, plus she was cousins with Elliot Evergreen. He once wrote a poem about her in middle school. I remembered that because I wrote for him while he was sitting next to me. 

How the hell did Max get Bella to be his girlfriend?!

"Ruby, it's nice to meet you again!" Bella kindly said with a warm smile. She looked at me like if we had known each other for hundreds of years. 

"Bella, I haven't seen you since graduation." I said with a shock tone. "How are you dating Max?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

She laughed as she had her arm linked with his. I wanted to vomit. "Max came to visit Elliot two days ago and that's where I met him."

"She's the girl that I've been crushing on since 5th grade." Max stated like if he was proud of himself. He looked at her like if she was an award that he was trying so hard to get. I nodded surprisingly, not believing my eyes. 

"Well, it's nice to have you back Bella!" Lauren said with a smile.

"Are you staying at Elliot's?" Eli asked her.

"Yep. My cousin is got in a good position right now." Bella nodded her head with a serious look. She looked sad for Elliot. 

I was happy for both my brother and my best friend to be in a relationship.After I finish my waffles, I go upstairs to dress up for work. I put on my black skinnies with my ankle boots and top that with a black long sleeve. Since my hair was curly enough, I didn't do anything to it. 

I walked to the bookstore which I found it as my safe heaven. All I did there was get paid for reading books. How wonderful is that? Not to mention that I had Lynn working for me, but she didn't take it seriously. She was always texting while I hid in my little corner reading a book with my headphones on. Sometimes, I would be eating chips and reading a romantic novel. 

I was about to pass a lady that was around her mid-thirties. She sat in front of her magic store as she observed the town. Rumors were that she was an actual witch with real powers.

Ms. Ann.

"Hello Ruby, mighty fine day we're having." She gave me a sincere smile that showed me her pearly white teeth.

"Yes, we are." I slightly nodded my head.

No one knew where she had came from. No one knew nothing of her. Her young assistant, Charlie was a mystery too. There was no history of the two.

Although, whenever I saw her it felt like if I had known her for years and she knew my whole life story.

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