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"How do you like babysitting my sister?" Max laughs.

"Fun, I guess." I look at my cards.

"Well, Lauren was telling me how Ruby can't stop talking about you." Eli looks at me skeptically.

"Oh really," I smile.

"So do you like her?" Max laughs.

"Shut up," I smile while looking at my cards.

"Gold fish," I slam my cards on the table. The boys groan and I laugh.

"What's my prize?" I ask with a smile. Max and Eli stand up while looking at each other a smile.

"Your prize is...babysitting Ruby!" Max happily says. My smile fades away.

"Max, bro, you said it was a surprise!"

"Oh but it is a surprise, because you didn't know. Try loosing next time, lover boy." Max and Eli leave the house laughing at me. I sigh and get up from the table. I push in all the chairs and place the cards in a neat stack.

"So you're babysitting me huh?" Ruby appears on leaning under the doorframe with her arms crossed.

"Yeah," I smile. She walks pass me and enters the kitchen. I hear pan noises in the kitchen. Ruby comes out with an apron, tying it from the back, "I'm going to make dinner. Feel free to wonder around the house or something." She disappears from the entrance of the kitchen.

Minutes passed and I began watching TV on this random channel. I became bored and turn off the TV. I enter the kitchen and find Ruby singing a song quietly while cooking.

"You sing nice." I complement.

She looks at me with a blushing face, "T-Thanks." She dodges it and begins chopping the vegetables. She doesn't dare to look at me. I walk over to her and put my arms around her waist. I feel her body tensing.

"Ruby, don't pretend like you don't have any feelings for me." I whisper to her ear. Her face is now pure red and freezes in her position.

"N-No, why would you believe that?" She nervously chuckles.

"Geez, I don't know..." I shrug.

"How about I take you to a party tonight?" I offer her.

"As dates?" She asks, while doing her cooking.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I smirk as I was planted to her neck.

"Yeah, I would..." She utters.

"Well, hurry up and cook. This is your 2nd chance to have another date with me." I release her and lean back on the counter.

"Wanna help?" She looks back at me with a smile.

"I can try." I smile back and begin helping her.

An hour later...

I was sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for Ruby to come downstairs. I had the patience of the world, to be honest. I wasn't impatiently like Caleb. When she comes downstairs, I look at her outfit. She had straightened her hair. She wore a pink flannel with a white shirt underneath. She wore white sneakers with light washed jeans. I stand up and open the door for her. We walk to the car and enter it. We buckle ourselves and I begin to drive to the party.

"Whose party is it anyways?" She questions.

"A great friend of mine, but this isn't your typical Lynn's party. It's more of a private party where all the popular kids are reuniting. Just stay next to me and you'll be fine. I'll protect you if anything happens." I seriously say.

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