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When Lynn said that she didn't need our help, she really didn't. This party was rocking awesome! The music was loud enough for the whole town to hear. The happy arua was floating around the place. Beachballs were thrown in the air. The food was great. Everything was great. While all of that happened, Elliot took me outside to the backyard. Even there it was decorated. The wodden fence had fairy lights. The pool was running. Everything out here was a bit quieter.

"Two more days, until you leave." He chuckles. He grabs my hand and looks at it.

"Yeah...I'll miss you." I randomly hug him. My face planted on his hard chest. I feel his arms around me. He looked attractive in the flannel shirt that he was wearing. Anything he wore, it looked good on. He was almost pefect.

"I'll miss you, but you have to promise me something angel." He breaks the hug with his two hands on my shoulder. I nod my head eagerly.

"Promise me, you won't fall in love with those cute boys." He seriously says, but I could see a smile forming on the tips of his mouth. I couldn't believe he was worried about that. I knew the dumbasses of the football guys would mostly be desperate. Elliot didn't have to worry about anything. I had fallen deep with him.

"I promise." I stick out my pinky finger. He connects his with mine and kisses me. It was a short kiss that would seal our promise.

"You call me anytime, angel. I'll go kill whoever you want. You just dial that number and you tell me who the person is. The next day, they'll be dead." I think he sounded serious, but he laughed in the end. But when it came to me, he was dead serious.

I slap his arm lightly, "Elliot! That's not funny." I scold him. "Now, I don't want you to kill anyone while I'm not here. Forget about that. Please." I sound dead serious when I tell him. He nods and does another pinky promise.

"It's easy to resist tempation, angel." He kiss me.

"I also don't need for you to do any reckless things. I don't have to drive five hours just to save you." He jokes.

"Alright. Alright."

He grabs my hand and leads me back inside where the party was going on. Everyone was doing their own things. Max and Bella were talking to other while leaning on the wall. Lauren and Eli were talking to a crowd of people very happily. Lynn was dancing crazily within the crowd. Elliot leans back on the wall while I stood in front of him.

"I'm amazed that Lynn didn't need our help for this party." Elliot looks around amazed at what Lynn did without us.

"She intelligent for making parties like this." I added.

I saw Lynn go upstairs a bit drunk that she was almost about to fall down the stairs. Luckily, she quickly grabbed a hold of herself on her feet and went upstairs.

"Why don't you go dance?" Elliot yelled over the music.

I shook my head, "I can't dance."

"You sure about that?"

I nod at him. Elliot smiles and shakes his head knowing I can dance. I just didn't want to dance. I wanted to dance with him.

I look at Elliot whose eyes seemed like if they were following someone. From a far distance, I see Max panicing to get Bella to safety it seemed. Bella kept refusing and started to get angry. Finally, Bella left Max to go to Lauren and Eli. She stopped the funny conversation that they were having with the others.

"Elliot, what's going on?" I askd worriedly. He looked down to me in a worried matter of way and didn't say anything. Max disappeared out of my sight and from Elliot's. I noticed that in the far corner of the living room, Caleb was standing there holding a knife behind him. He slowly trailed up to the stairs.

Quickly, I tried to warned Elliot that Caleb was here but Elliot was gone. My heart began to pump faster and faster as I tried to look for my brother or Elliot. Now I knew why Elliot and Max both looked worried. Bella was mad. Lauren and Eli left the crowd that they were talking to. My eyes shift to Caleb who was almost up the stairs.

I start to breathe faster.

My hands get sweaty.

Caleb is almost there.

Lynn was up there.

Where's Max and Elliot?

I push through the crowd and receive glares from people. As I pushing through, I turn around and see Caleb gone. He was going to kill Lynn! Since he didn't get the chance to kill me, he decided to kill Lynn. He knew by doing that it would make Elliot suffer since Lynn was his best friend since grade school. It was all evil. He was evil.

"Ruby!" I bump into Max. I was realived that I found him. However, where was Elliot and the rest. Max grabs my hand just in case he looses me.

"Listen. Caleb came to the party to kill one of us. We lost him and I lost the others." He trails off. That meant the others were looking for each other. How did Elliot loose me if he was next to me?

I quickly shake my head, "He's upstairs and his target is Lynn! Max, I figured it out! Lynn is Elliot's best friend since like forever! He's trying to kill one of us that would make Elliot suffer. But he doesn't know that Elliot will get angry and will kill him." I placed my two hands on his shoulders, "Max. We need to go upstairs now!" I command him.

He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs quickly. Once we get to the dark hallway that was only lighted by the rooms, we figured that Lynn must have been in her room.

"You're so smart. I love you, lil' sis." Max turns to me and surprises me. It had been years since he had said that. He always treated me horrible, but now everything was different. Once we come to Lynn's room, the door was closed.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"Ready." His hand tightens mine.

Max opens the door slowly. His eyes widen once they see what's inside. He turns to me with a frown on his face. That only meant that my theory was correct. The door is fully open now and my vision becomes blurry with the tears wanting to come down.

Lynn was calling for help while her hand was the wound. I quickly release my hand from Max to go kneel down to Lynn. She looks at me with much happiness and smiles.

"Hey Ruby." She smiles.

I look at her. She was bleeding really bad. Caleb had stabbed her in the stomach. That only meant that she was going to die.

"Oh this?" She points at her wound. "Don't worry about it, Ruby. I knew this would happen. Everyone knew this would happen. Me dying at one of my parties. I'm going to die as a legend." Lynn laughs. My brother looks at Lynn with a frown.

"Oh fuck." Elliot appears on the door way with the others. He quickly runs to kneel down to Lynn. Bella seems like if she couldn't believe her eyes. Eli hugged Lauren, who was beginning to cry.

"Death is a bitch, you guys. But you have to go along with it." Lynn laughs. Her hand grabs Elliot's hand. Elliot looks at her painfully.

"I have a request to make for you , Elliot." Lynn tells him. Everyone listens to her last final words that Lynn Quinn was going to say. Those legendary words that no one in that room would forget. Not even I did, to this every day.

"Kill that fuck boy." 

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