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We enter the private room upstairs where no one could hear us talk. Ruby looked mad as ever, and I had a frown on my face. I close the door and Ruby turns to me already tearing up. I wanted to wipe her tears.

"I don't get you Elliot." She looks at me with those red puffy eyes. I stand behind the door, incase she wanted to leave. But she wasn't till we fixed things.

"What don't you get? We are friends right?" I intrigue her with my eyebrow raised up.

"But you told me to reveal my feelings for you and then you tell Caleb that we're friends!?!" Ruby exclaims. I was doing it for her benefit. I was a killer.

"Ruby please, you don't understand!" I pled.

"I understand perfectly!" She shouts, tears were falling from her cheeks.

"No Ruby, you'll only get heartbroken. I don't want that for you." I frown at her. She wipes her eyes and begins to cry.

"Please don't do this to me," I beg. I try to pull her closer to me, but she struggles out of my grip. I was too strong her. She eventually gives up.

"Heartbroken?" She mutters. I nod.

"I'm not the guy you think I am." I hint.

"Elliot, I don't care. I will always like you no matter what." She touches my cheek with her cold hand. I touch it and look into her eyes.

"Do you really mean that?" I softly ask. She nods her head. I had a small tiny little smile forming. I lean in and begin to kiss her. It was a kiss that I desired so much. I was only going to break her heart, although, I didn't care. We made it to the middle of the room and I take off my jacket. Ruby tugs at my shirt wanting to take it off. I do as she commands. Her hands roaming all over my tone chest.

"Oh shit, sorry about that." A drunk Richard interrupts me and Ruby. I growl at him. He quickly closes the door leaving the both of us alone.

"I thought I locked that door." I growl, while holding Ruby in my arms.

She giggles, "I guess you didn't."

"I locked it so you wouldn't escape in anger from me." I blink at her. She puts a poker face on.

"Wow, Elliot. I was turned on a minute ago, now I'm turned off." She flatly says.

I smile, "Oh really?"

"Yeah totally," She leaves from my gasps and folds her arm. She was short compared to my tall height.

"I guess I'll just turn you on some other time." I challenge. She looks at me with her narrow eyes.

"Put on your shirt back!" She turns the other way. I laugh.

"You're the one who wanted to take it off me. I get it Ruby, you just want to see my hardcore abs. I mean who doesn't." I point at my abs.


"You're defeated, Ruby. I'll just keep my shirt off a little bit longer so you can drool even more." I teasingly say. Ruby had a shocked face. She sat on the bed with her arms crossed.

"Hey Ruby," I say. Her attention turns to me.

"Wipe the drool." I begin to laugh.

"Ugh, fuck off Evergreen!" She turns away from me. I finally put on my shirt and she turns back to me. I smile at her.


"Totally happy!" She jumps up.


I enter the party house but only this time, the party was over and only Richard was alone. Red cups were all over the floor and left over food and drinks spilled all over the floor. I enter the kitchen and find Richard sleeping on the floor with a beer glass bottle on his hand. I evilly smirk and bend down to him. I get the rope and tie his arms and legs together. After I do this, I try to slap him softly so he can wake up.

"Elliot, what are you still doing here?" He groggily says.

"To kill you, isn't it obvious?" I tautly ask him. He blinks two times and looks at me with a serious face now.

"You're Blood?"

"No shit. I kill my bullies, Richard. I remember things when I wasn't part of your clique." I look at him.

He begins to shake his head, "No, I didn't bully you. It was all Caleb. You gotta understand, bro."

I pretend to have a thinking face.

"Hmm, I actually don't. And don't blame it on my brother, he's mentally disabled. Have some respect." I stab him in the stomach like I always do with other people. Blood started to drip on the floor. I write a message on the floor now with his blood.

She's finally mine now...-Blood.


"Why did you kill Richard?" Bella asks with a frown. I huff and look at her, "I hated him."

"Elliot, when are you going to stop?" Bella seriously asks. She looks at me with a mad face.

"When I feel it's time to stop."

Bella just shakes her head with her arms folded.

"You have to stop, you've got Ruby now." She tells me, while touching my hand. I pull my hand back and give her a glare.

"Seriously, Ruby doesn't have to do anything with this. She's a different story."

"Elliot, please stop killing. It's just no good. You're going to hell in the afterlife." Bella warns me. But since when has she believed in the afterlife?

"Oh good, watch me become a demon prince and you're my annoying sister who is free spirited." I teasingly laugh. She doesn't laugh at me, she glares at me now.

"Shut up, Elliot. Wherever you go, I go. I have the power to calm your ass." Bella states, she leans on the wall with her head down, "Caleb is here already, and he wants to kill all of us. Who's going to protect us, Elliot? You?"

"Max and I." 

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