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I wake up with my neck sore. My eyes felt heavy. My blurry vision begins to become normal once again. I find myself in a white dull room with weapons around me. I had a cloth between my mouth and my hands and feet were tied up. I begin to panic once I realize that I was captured. Just like Max said, Blood was going to kill me. I remain calm once I hear the door open. There comes in, my killer, holding a shiny knife just like Max said. I begin to breath rapidly and panic.

Blood stands in front of me with a mask on. He wore a black leather jacket on top of his sweater. He was dressed all in black. I was a bit jealous of his outfit because I was in my Hello Kitty underwear and a long t-shirt. He puts the cold side of the knife against my cheek and slowly begins to move it. I try to remain calm, but how was I suppose to? His dark blue eyes pour into mine with a harsh look.

"No, I won't kill you." He puts the knife on the table softly. His gaze turns gentle now. Blood takes the cloth from my mouth, mysteriously knowing that I would remain quiet. My breath was loud for the both of us to hear.


"No, angel."

"Why am I here for?"

He stays quiet for moment. I was beginning to get nervous by his silence. I bite my lip softly for not to bleed.

"To show you my secret." He softly says. I was a bit surprise when Blood spoke to me. Never in my life I would think Blood actually had a soft gentle voice. He was actually being nice, but that didn't fool me. There was a reason why killers like him were genuinely nice to some people.

He takes off his hood. I knew he was going to take off his mask. My heart was beating loud. He slowly takes off his mask and once he fully does, my eyes couldn't believe it. I began shaking my head rapidly and began shaking my body in sudden fear. The killer in the leather jacket was no other than Elliot. The boy that I loved was the killer of Dark Woods.

"Tell me I'm dreaming, Elliot. Please!" I beg him. My vision got blurry with the tears threaten to fall. He kneels to me and cups my face. His dark blue eyes still had that effect on me. He pour his eyes into mine.

"I can't lie to you anymore..."

"Angel, you told me that you couldn't handle anymore secrets. You had to know the truth like Max and the others did."

"Elliot, this have to be a dream. You couldn't possibly kill all those people!" He releases me once I say this. He stands up and hisses at the same time. Elliot gave me an anger look.

"I did kill all those people, Ruby! I did it for revenge. They badly hurt me with nasty words and I just couldn't take it anymore. After what they did to me at the dance, I was completely done. So I changed and made myself the school's IT guy. It was all a plan, Ruby. I began killing those people that I hated so much."

"Since I was thirteen, I had my eyes on you. You wore that white dress at Max's birthday and I thought you looked like an angel. Years later, everyday I would see you at school hanging out with Lauren and your friends. You see angel, all those girls that I dated mean nothing to me. I've always loved you, I even saved you from getting raped one day."

I sniff my nose and look away from Elliot. I couldn't bare the truth about him begin Blood. He puts his hand under my chin to lift face. He made me look into his eyes which I tried to avoid.

"You're a sick man..." I manage to say. He only smirks and gets closer, "Of course. I know you love me, Ruby." There was a knot inside my stomach. Elliot wipes my falling tears with his thumb softly. He knew that I still love him, which was a bad thing. He could use that to torture me.

"Say it, Ruby." His eyes were on me which made me more nervous. He makes our foreheads touch and his blue eyes told me that Elliot was broken and lonely. They were dull.

"Please...say it." Elliot quietly begs me.

"I-I love you." I finally manage to say it. Even if I truly meant it, I felt like the ground was going to swallow me up. He takes a step back. Elliot smiles at me while tears began to fall. He simply laughs and I felt like he was making fun of me. His laugh was a raspy one and almost unrealistic in a way.

"Stop laughing!!" I shouted at him. I immediately regretted doing that. He stopped laughing and gave me a dark look, "Are you afraid of me?" My eyes looked at his hand that was next to the knife.

"No." I look down to my thighs.


In a flash, I quickly looked up to me with a questioning tone, "Do you love me back?" I eagerly ask him. He was quite surprised when I asked him this. I looked at him with my glassy eyes.

"Is that even a question?" He snickers. "Of course, I love you. I have been for years." He softly says. Elliot unties my arms and legs. He grabs my arm for me to stand up. He cups my cheeks and caresses my right cheek, "I would never hurt you like the way I do to those people. You're something special to me, angel. I love you too much." He breathes. I've said this many times, but his blue eyes captivated me. It brought me in. It made my knees weak. His words made my cheeks blush a little.

"Stop doing this, Elliot. You're only making it worse for yourself. I don't want you to be in prison." I place my hand on his chest and make it into a fist.

"You want to escape with me?"

I nod my head.

Elliot shake his head, "I'm not running away from my problems. I got myself into this, and now I have to pay the price. Trust me, I'm not going to be locked up in that hell hole." I look at my fist and back to his eyes. I hug him tightly with my face planted on his chest. He hugs me back with his chin on top of my head.

"I'm not the only one who does this. It's also Max." His words struck me hard. "That night when you went to the movies with Lauren, Max and Caleb attacked you. Max couldn't see who he was attacking, but I stopped him right when he was going to give you the final blow and kill you." My eyes open wide. I couldn't believe my fucking ears. I just couldn't. Max was the reason why I was at the hospital. Max was the reason why I broke up with Elliot in the first place. Oh my god. Anger just boiled inside of me.

"Calm down, Ruby. He didn't mean it." I released him and took a few steps back.

"He didn't mean it? He almost killed me!" I say loudly.

"I saved your life."

"Like always."

Elliot runs his fingers through his hair and gets closer to me, "Baby please don't get mad." I just deeply inhale, "Take me home, Elliot."

"Can I kiss you first?"

"Yes." He slowly leans forward and kisses me softly with those soft lips of his. He places his hand on one of my cheek. My hands were holding the hems of his sweater. I felt the sparks running all over my body. Even if it was just a kiss, it meant a lot to me. Elliot breaks away and smiles at me.

"You're something special to me, Ruby."

I would never forget those words and still to this day I remember him telling me those words. He took me home and stayed with me the entire night. We didn't fuck like others did. No, we slept in each other arms and embraced it.

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