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chapter 25


I wake up with the sun hitting my face. It was so much that I had cover my eyes with my hand. I notice that I was alone in the bed. Elliot's room was the master's bed room which was why it was huge. I get out of the bed and realize that I was bare naked.

"Well, crap." I huff. I walk everywhere in the room to find my clothes that were thrown somewhere by Elliot. I grab my undergarments which were both laying on top of each other. I grab Elliot's shirt that he gave me and put it on. Last, I grabbed the shorts and put those on. Once I was fully clothe, I walk out of his room. The hallway was long enough to get you lost. Luckily, I knew where to go since I've been here a few times.

The smell of pancakes filled the hallway. My stomach growls in hunger as I inhale the delicious smell. I follow it and past many doors that were closed. I walked down the grand staircase and leads me to the kitchen where Elliot was cooking breakfast.

"There's my girl." He happily says in his morning voice. Damn, his voice was hot. His blue eyes that always make me weak, become bright as he looks at me.

"Morning." I walk in. I walk to him and begin to help him. I notice how perfectly he was making the pancakes.

"Lauren told me a long time ago, that her house mate loved to eat pancakes. I figured that was you, right?" He raises an eyebrow at me. He flipped the pancakes perfectly as they landed on the hot pan.

"Right." He puts his arm around my waist and I turn to him. We were close enough to the point where we were just inches away for a kiss.

"I had fun last night, angel." He smirks. My cheeks begin to blush. I tried to hide my face by looking at something. His hand makes me look at him, which I did. Butterflies in my stomach begin to fly around. His hand slowly goes down my back until it stops. His hand begins to caress my cheek.

"I love you." He kisses my lips a bit softly. He couldn't kiss me hard since last night he left them sore. It felt like if we were in our own little world until I remember about the pancake.

"Elliot, the pancake!" I push him away and turn off the heat from the pan. Elliot looks at me with much amuse as I look at him in a worried matter. The pancake had burnt itself because we didn't pay attention. Elliot grabs it with the spatteulea and throws it away.

"Elliot! I could have eaten that!" I exclaim.

"Oh baby, please. The pancake was burnt to crisp thanks to us." He laughs. He was right, the pancake would taste nasty if I had eaten it. Damn, he was always right and I hated that.

That morning we spent it together eating pancakes. Elliot kept stealing kisses from me, which turn out to be a game. It was until noon where he had to take me home thanks to Max's orders. We both swore that what happened last night was between us and no one else. Once Elliot pulls on the drive way of my house, we notice boxes with Lauren's name on them. Eli was helping her by putting them in his van.

"Is she moving out of the house without telling me?" I asked Elliot. He turns off the car and looks at me, "I don't know, angel." We both get out of the car and enter the house with our hands connected to each other's. Lynn had a frown on her face. Max was carrying boxes out of my room with my name on them.

"Wait, Max! What are you doing?!" I stand in front of him with a confused face.

"The date for you to go to college is just in three days away, lil' sis. Didn't you know that?" He ended with a question. I had forgotten about that. Honestly, I did. I felt stupid for forgeting the date that I had to leave Dark Woods to go to college.

"You forgot?" Elliot folds his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Sort of." I shrug.

Max shook his head in disappiontment, "Well, at least you don't have to pack up anymore because Bella and I did it all for you. When the day before you go comes, we'll do some last minute shopping. I have a huge list of stuff you need." He informs me. Lauren enters the house with a smile, "Ahh, college!"

Bella comes downstairs with a box, "Sounds fun! All the cute boys that Ruby is going to meet!" She winks at me. I tried not to smile so it didn't offend Elliot.

"Cute boys, Bella?! I'm the only cute boy for her!" Elliot followed Bella outside yelling at her.

"Um, excuse me. I will not accept any of those cute boys in here under my roof!" Max followed them outside both yelling at Bella about those cute boys. Eli taps for me to turn around, "Don't worry, Ruby. If you want to go out with those cute boys, my lips are seal." He smiles at me.

"Thanks, but I don't think I will." I decline the offer. I sit on the couch next to Lynn who was watch a sad movie. She turns to me with a determine look, "If you're leaving Dark Woods, you must leave in a legendary way." By that I knew what she meant. Lynn was known for what her speciality was. She was known as the life of the party.

"You mean a party?" I ask.

Lynn nods her head, "Yup. It's settled. You three are my best friends-"

"-But I'm her favorite." Elliot quickly added.

Lynn laughs and nods, "Sure thing."

"Okay, so what do I have to bring?" I asked Lynn. Whenever she made parties, we all had to help her. One small gathering turned out to be a huge party.

Lynn shakes her head, "No, no, no. I need don't you guys this time. I know a few people that can help me." She smiles at me and takes out her phone. For us not to hear, she goes to the backyard and closes the screen door.

It was a surprise that she didn't need us this time. Everytime she wanted to do a party she begged us to help her. All of us had to do it because she was always there for us. This time, she had a few people that would help her. That's Lynn for you. She knows a lot of people.

"Okay, all set. You're ready to go college!!" Max happily says. I look at him with a smile and see that Elliot was a bit sad. While everyone else had a happy look on their face. Even Lynn who was laughing outside talking on the phone.

"This is going to be fun!" Lauren excitedly says.

Yay, college. 

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