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I was sleeping so comfortable till I heard Elliot's voice.

"Wake up, Ruby."

"Wake up, angel." I heard him again, but this time touching my shoulder. I woke up, finding myself on my bed.  Elliot was sitting down on my bed looking down at me with a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" I sniffed my nose.

"Came to check up on you, I thought Blood got you and killed you last night after the theater." He chuckled.

"Why are you really here, Elliot?" I seriously asked while sitting up on my bed. I knew it was bull caca that he really wasn't here for that reason.

"Max invited me for some pancakes. I couldn't say no because I wanted to see my angel." He sweetly smiled at me.

"Oh okay, well can you please get out of my room?" I got out of my bed and gave him an awkward smile.

Everytime I was with him, I had a strange feeling. It was like if I knew him for a looooooong time.

"And here I was thinking, that I would get a little strip show from my angel because I was such a good boy last night." He made a questioning look.

I scoffed at this idiot. "In your wildest dreams, Elliot. I'm not into those type of things." I told him as I picked the outfit of the day. I was blushing hard.

"I know." He came behind me and placed his hands in my waist. He leaned down to my ear. My breaths quicken. "Aren't you a bit curious of how sex would feel?"

His breath tickled my neck and I held to my dear jeans for my life's sake.

"Nope." I lied as I got away from him. Of course, I did. I had read too many romantic novels which had sex scenes in it. I always wondered how it felt.

Elliot only came closer to me and pulled me closer. Our lips were brushing each other while we stared into our eyes. I could see my reflection in his blue eyes.

"One'll be mine Angel. I want no one to have you. You're going to be mine and only mine. Mark my words."

I couldn't speak. He left my room in a hurry when Max called him down. The pair of pants that I held in my arms, dropped.

I looked at my pancakes without hunger. Today, I wasn't hungry at all. I let Max, Lauren, Eli, Lynn, Bella, and Elliot gobble up all the pancakes. While I just drank my coffee. Elliot stared me down in the corner of his eyes. I was sitting next to him which was maybe the reason why I didn't want to eat some delicious pancakes. His words before he left my room remained in my mind.

You're mine...only mine.

Bella, Lauren, and Lynn all gave a quick glance at each other. All of them, had a plan and I wasn't part of it. I didn't want to be. When those three girls planned together, it was chaos. I preferred to tranquil with everything. 

"Oh Ruby!" Bella excitedly called me. I looked at her with a smile. "Remember that one guy that I told you about?"

I confusedly looked at her. "What guy?" Bella had told me things about the guys that she dated in the past. So, there were many guys that popped up in my mind.  Lauren kicked my foot which meant to go along with it. It was a bad idea, alright. The three boys were silent as they ate their food. "Oooh yeah! The cute one right?"

All of them were cute. Except for the pig of my brother. 

"Yeah him!" She nodded her head with a light happy expression. "The other day, I saw him in the store and I talked to him. Well, he told me a few things that shocked me."

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