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"So, that's the end of the story!" I laugh to the young handsome boy that was sitting in front of me. He had asked me about the story of Elliot and I. Surely, I gladly told him.

"Wait, there has to be more!" The boy with pale grey eyes demands for more of the story.

"There's no more," I make a defeated smile.

I was sixty-eight years old now. I was old and not young like I used to be. I still live in the same house of my childhood, where everything happened.

I begin to water my flowers as the young boy helps me out. Gardening was my hobby now. Flowers were something special to me. I thought they were the beautiful.

"Did you ever fall in love again, Ruby?" He curiously asks.

I stop watering my flowers and look at him, "No. I did not." I sigh.

The young boy had pale grey eyes that were memorizing just like Elliot's. He had the black hair just like Elliot's. He even looked like Elliot, which was why I told him the story. Sometimes, he would act like Elliot, which was strange.

"So, that was Dark Woods before the creatures and the magic revealed itself. No offense Ruby, but it seemed boring." He politely tells me. "Magic is amazing. Look around, it made everything beautiful." The boy smiles at me.

I weakly chuckle, "I agree with you, Brandon. But aren't you a demon?" I question.

"Well yes, but my sister has taught me many things about life." He nods with a smile. Brandon's eyes gleam with happiness.

"Reminds me of Bella Evergreen." I smile back.

Brandon rubs the back of his neck with his hand, "You see, she actually was."

I was dumbfounded, but then I remembered what Ms. Ann told me.

"You'll see him again later on, be kind to him."

I drop the water jug to the floor and look at the young boy in front of me. I couldn't believe what Ms. Ann was told me was true. All this time I was telling my story to Elliot, but he was in a different form like Ms. Ann said.

I've heard stories about the demon prince who was pure evil. Never in my life, I would think he would be right in front of me. He's always kind to me and always offering for help. Prince Brandon was Elliot all this time. No wonder why, he reminded me of him so much.

"Elliot, it's you! It's you!" I happily grab his cheeks. He smiles at me and laughs.

"Well yeah, but it's Prince Brandon now." He corrects me.

I look at his features and see that he had the same eyes as Elliot did.

Brandon pushes his sleeve upward to show me a beautiful black rose inscribed on his wrist. I was amazed by what I was seeing.

"Just like I told you, Ruby. We'll be together in our other lives, but you are still in this life." He points at me the rose.

"So, you're saying I have to die to be together?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and once you're born again I will protect you." He promises.

"Well boy, I don't wanna die just yet." Brandon laughs at my sentence, "You're still the same, Ruby. If it is your decision to live, you must live then. And die at the right time." He smiles.

We begin to walk to the front door of the house. The dark prince was only nice to me, because of the history we had. I wasn't afraid of him when he first entered my house. I instantly knew that he was the demon prince that everyone was afraid of. However, I wasn't.

I open the front door chuckling with Brandon, "Well Brandon, it was nice getting to know you. Also thanks for being interested in our love story." Brandon laughs as he was getting out of the house.

"No, thank you for everything Ruby. May we see each other again in my immortal life." Brandon kisses my hand softly.

He gets in his car and smiles one last time to me. He puts his shades on and starts his luxurious car. I wave as he was driving away. One last time, I got see to him, but in a different form.

"Thank you." I look up to the magical and beautiful blue sky.

I look at my ruby necklace that Elliot gave me years ago and reminded me of him.

I chuckle to myself, "Oh Elliot, still the same I see."

Another car pulls up on the driveway and a little kid's face smile brightly once he sees me. I smile back and wave at my little five year old grandson.

My son, Derek Evergreen, comes out of the car with his lovely wife.

Derek had the same looks just like his father; the black hair, the blue eyes, and his smile. My only son.

"Grandma!!" My little five year old grandson runs over to me with his memorizing blue eyes just like his not so deceased grandfather's...


                                                                                    THE END. 

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