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Chapter 10


I was so angry during the car ride to Elliot's place. I knew torture awaited me in his old mansion. I had never been there before but only rumors of the place. It was located deep inside the woods and it was big and old. 

"I want you to behave, Ruby." Max said while he drove. It was just me and him during the car ride. Bella and other were at the house waiting for Max to return. "You're going to forget about that boyfriend of yours. Okay?" 

"Max, the girls were just playing around to make Elliot jealous! I can't believe that you actually fell for it too!" I grimaced and rolled my eyes. 

"Well, I don't care! I promised Dad that I would protect you if anything happened." 

"And you are," I shot back. "I'm eighteen, Max. I'm not a little girl for you and your best friend to be baby sitting me! I can protect myself." 

He groaned as he turned the wheel, "In my eyes, you're still a little girl. You're not like most girls, Ruby. You're special." He continued. "From now on, Elliot will be your guardian angel. Wherever, he goes, you go. You know the deal."  

"I hate you." I whispered. 

When we got to the mansion, I was so angry and scared. The mansion looked nice, too nice if you asked me. It looked like those mansions that looked haunted at the same time. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut in anger. 

"Remember Ruby, be nice to Elliot. The guy is already going through hell." Max drove off on the road. I hated him. I faced the mansion and with every step I took to the two big doors, I had to calm down. 

"Hello Ruby," Right when I was about to knock, Elliot opened the door with a smirk. I was about to face the horror. He stepped aside as I walked in a bit nervous. 

The interior of the mansion was very luxurious. It was what you saw in those home magazines. It was all dark colors. At least, it didn't look like a horror house like I thought it would be. 

"What? Surprised?" Elliot came beside me. 

"Nope, not at all." I shook my head. I was sort of surprised. 

"This is my home." Elliot simply said. 

"It's nice." 

To kill some time, Elliot gave me a tour of the mansion. The place was very big. With so many rooms that I could think of, that I had lost count. He took me to the gardens where was a small pond with fish in it. We walked all over the place within two hours. We had a lot of time ahead of us because the double daters had gone out of town for the double date. I was suck here for a very long time. 

Everything changed when he took me to the room that I thought it was Heaven. The library. Oh my lord, it was such a big room filled with so many books. Apparently, his mother collected the books from time to time. The fireplace was on and I had a big stack of books next to me. We both sat on the floor while I silently read and he just watched me. 

I couldn't help it. I loved reading. There was a point in my life where all I did was read the entire day. I had fallen in love with so many characters that it wasn't funny. 

"Now, that we're completely alone and there will be no disturbance." Elliot broke the silence and I looked at him. I closed the book that I was reading. He got closer me and lightly grabbed my chin. 

"Elliot, I have a boyfriend." I breathed.  We both stood up.

What part of me having a boyfriend doesn't he get? 

 He chuckled darkly which frightened me. The next thing that I know, he pulled me closer to him, very tightly. I struggled against him but he didn't let me go. His cold eyes went dark as he stared at me. 

"Cut the crap, angel." He grabbed my cheeks hard which made me pucker my lips. I made a pissed off face while he did this. "You don't have a boyfriend. If you did, I would have known by now."

"I don't like you!"

"Yes, you do. Ever since, that stupid dance you began to have feelings for me."

How did he know?!

I couldn't lie because he had discovered my secret. I had fallen in love with the nerdy and dorky Elliot. The one that was nice to everyone even though, he got bullied.

I was afraid of the attractive bad boy Elliot. The one that looked so mysterious and bad. The one with the charming smile that would make any girl swoon. The one with the cold blue eyes.

The Elliot that I had fallen in love with was dead.

"You're right. He is dead. He got killed on the night of the dance." He whispered lowly. "You thought that I was going to stay like that even after what they did to me?"


"Forget about that Elliot." He leaned down to my neck as I tried to calm myself down. "If you care about me so much, you would accept me for who I am now."

I had no choice but to accept him. He was the man that I loved for years. I had hidden feelings for him. When girls asked me if I thought Elliot was attractive, I didn't answer. He was attractive.

"Do you accept me, Ruby? Even if you get hurt along the way." He whispered to my ear.

He just wanted to be loved. He wanted  someone to care about him and be there for him. Bella already did that for him in a family way. I was going to be different. I was going to be the one that loved him.

"I accept you, Elliot Evergreen. I don't care if you hurt me. We can work this out." That's what all he really needed. Confirmation.

Elliot began to kiss my neck slowly. His hands went under my shirt to touch my bare skin. It was like if he was in a desire need of me. I was like a drug to him.

He stopped when he got to my lips. Our eyes were closed. His hand was on my cheek and caressed it. I needed to kiss him.

"I won't be like those perfect boys that you read about in those books. I will fall for you hard. I will love you more than myself in time. I might make mistakes and hurt you. I'll be that jealous boyfriend that gives glares at the guys that you talk to. I'll be needy, very needy, for your love and touch. I will protect you from anything bad. I will be there when you cry. I will love you so fucking much."

I was so shocked. No one had ever told me such things before. Who knew that Elliot would tell me those things. That didn't stop me from fighting for him. I didn't run away from him. I was happy.

I hugged him tightly which must have surprised him. In a few seconds, he hugged me back. We were both happy that we had each other now. He lifted me in the air and spin me while I laughed.

For once, I saw his genuine smile and his blue eyes were gleaming with happiness.

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