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AGE: 19

The girl was running quickly away from me. Her arm was bleeding drastically and her clothes were soaked in blood. Her leg got twisted by tripping. She thought she was running fast, but no. She was going extremely slow because I was walking.

Her breath was difficult with every step. Running in the woods was a terrible decision for her. I know the woods like the back of my hand. My bloody knife in hand and I had my signature mask on. The strawberry blonde falls on her face and tries to achieve from getting up. I gain on her and start to laugh. Oh these Bitches are really funny.

I pull off my mask and reveal myself to her. Her eyes widen as she sees who was the one who was killing her. She looked so scared that it was hilarious to me.

"Elliot..." She was breathless, she couldn't speak. I watch her with angry eyes. Erika Mason was her name. The bitchiest girl in school, she believed she was a diva. She wasn't that pretty, to be honest. I did hook up with her only for 2 months. After that, I got bored with her so I cheated on her with her best friend. Then I also got bored with her too! I killed her best friend. I thought she was annoying as hell.

When I was a nerdy freak, she would laugh at me for being so weird. I hated her for that. That was a reason why I hooked up with her. It was all just an act and for sex.

"Erika, hey, how's it going?" I flashed her my charming smile. "You're probably shocked to see that I'm the infamous killer that everyone is talking about."

Erika began to tear up, "What did I ever do to you?! I loved you."

Tears won't help you escape from me, Erika.

"We dated for only two months. I only went out with you because of the sex and other reasons."

She started to shake head along with her hair, "No...that's not true." She couldn't believe what she just heard. She thought I had loved her in just two months. There was a problem, though.

I don't love. I didn't believe in love.

"But it is...sorry." I simply shrugged at her.

"You used me!" She yelled in sadness. Erika Mason angrily looked at me, "Hear my words clearly, you will fall into love. I do hope you rot in hell, Elliot."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I repeated annoyed. "Do you know how many times people have told to rot in hell?" It's funny.

To my sudden surprised, her hand snapped the knife away from me and slit her own throat. Her lifeless body fell to the floor.

She killed herself.

Wow, she was weak. Oh well, she did herself a favor.

"I'm already in hell." I told her lifeless body. "I don't believe in love, Erica. You dumb bitch."

I find a way out of the woods and walk into the dark town, Dark Woods. It is a little town where everyone knew each other since birth. The school's names have Dark Woods in it; Dark Woods elementary school, Dark woods middle school, Dark Woods high school. Our usual hangout is in the 50's theme Diner, the beach, the woods, and the town's pub. The library was meant for the freaks and nerds of this town. I was one of them, but then I gained popularity and became the town's hottest guy.

However, no one knew my darkest secret. I was Blood the Killer. I've killed my bullies and I didn't give a single fuck. I was no longer a happy man. I was angry and hurt. I had two good friends of mine, Lynn Quinn and Max summers. Lynn was like an angel that fell out of the sky. Max gained me information on when to kill.

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