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I laid below of the lonely tree's cool shade. My back pressed on the grass and my hands behind my head. I looked up to beautiful blue sky that had the most amazing clouds that I've ever seen. The birds flew in the sky peacefully.

They say that when you die you see your life flash before your eyes. That didn't happen to me, but I was dead. I felt dead. I felt different. I felt happy which was a nice feeling. I felt like my problems were all gone and now I could rest peacefully. I didn't feel like if I was on earth. I felt like if I was somewhere else...somewhere peacefully. I was a bit lonely but that didn't bother me at all.

"Ruby." I looked to the side and see it was my deceased cousin. She stands next to me with a plain white dress and barefooted. I stand up and noticed she looked different from when she passed way. She had long beautiful hair that shined under the sun. She looked healthy. Her skin was olive instead of a pale color. I remembered she had died from leukemia when I was fourteen. I remembered how close we were despite the huge age difference. She was only 24 when she died.

"Lana?" She grabbed my hand and smiled. Her perilous white teeth made her smile beautiful. She seemed happy that I said her name.

"I'm here to take you back." Lana says. She continued to walk, almost pushing me forward to keep up with her.

I stopped walking which pushed her back, "Back to where?"

"The living world, silly goose!" She chuckled.

I shook my head, "I'm dead though. It's impossible to go back." Lana laughed hard once I finished my sentence. Her laugh danced in the air as it was soft.

"You're not dead, Ruby. However, if we don't hurry up you'll be here until you're ready for your next life!" She worried said. It was amazing that I see Lana in her spirit form. I wanted to talk to her and tell her everything. As she made the portal to see back to the boring world, I stopped her from pushing me.

"But I don't wanna leave! I wanna stay here with you, Lana!" I happily smiled at her and nodded my head. Who wanted to go back to the boring living world? I felt better staying here then going there.

"No, you don't!" She continued pushing me to the portal. There was now wind that was blowing our hair in such perfect direction. This dead world was perfect. I stopped her again, "The living world is boring! All I do is suffer and cry."

Lana yelled at me, "It's not your time, He's saying! You can't leave Max and your friends alone." She got angry by the second.

"What about Elliot?! He's going to do a mass killing if you stay here along with Max." She continued to yell at me. I had forgotten about Elliot. I had forgotten all the moments we had shared together.

"I need stay with me."

"I told you to stay with me!"

"Don't leave me..."

"Lauren, Bella, Eli, Lynn...they're going to miss you. You can't leave them, especially Max. He'll stay alone forever. Think about your brother! Think about your future." Lana grabs my arm with a serious face. She's waiting for my answer. It seemed that I had forgotten about everyone. I had fallen in the spell of heaven and it time to break that spell.

I couldn't leave them alone. I couldn't leave Max and Elliot alone. I would hurt both very badly if I did. Max wouldn't have any family to turn to. I had to sacrifice myself for everyone. I give up and nod to Lana. Without saying a goodbye, she pushes me through the portal to the living world.

I'm always watching you, Ruby.

Darkness. All I saw was darkness. I was laying in the hospital bed with tubes on me. I heard nothing but only a clock ticking and heartbeat monitor. I guess I was alone in the room.

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