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"Caleb?" I look at Max like if he was crazy.

Max stands up and begins to walk, "Think about it, Elliot! Bella said that he's a killer and he hears voices who command him. What does that tell you?" He turns to me with a questioning tone. He was right. But then a question pops up in my head.

"Why would he pretend as Blood?" I wonder.

"Because he knows your Blood already." Max replies while thinking in the process. How could he figured that I was Blood? There was no way for sure.

"That's just stupid, Max." His phone begins to ring and he quickly gets it.

He looks at the caller, "It's Caleb." I tell him to answer it and put it on the ring tone.

"Max, I just wanted to thank you for everything." Caleb voice sounded amusing.

Max scratches his head and smiles, "Oh, it's nothing. I'm sure Elliot must be very confused right now." I looked at him confused. I was really confused like he said as of right now.

"Yeah, that son of a bitch will get it soon. I can't believe you were friends with him. He's still that nerdy loser." Caleb snickers. I make a fist under the table in anger. What was he talking about?

"You told me that he was Blood. You even showed me all of the proofs that there possibly was." Max looks at me, almost like if he wanted me to hear.

"I guess. I just know my big brother so well. The voices they tell me everything." Caleb ends with a dark voice.

"Tonight, I'm going killing. Wanna join?" He asks Max. I look at him, waiting for his response.

"No Caleb. I'm planning to hang out with Ruby and Bella." Max shakes his head. They say their good-byes and Max ends the call. Before I could even say anything, he beats me to it.

"He figured it out that you were Blood. I didn't tell him because, I can't betray my best friend. I know he wanted to kill me, but I'm only being friends because of you. If I become friends with him, he won't tell me anymore and better yet, trust me." Max sits down on the table and begins to look at his phone.

Would a friend really do that? Max was just befriending Caleb, or else Max would be in the danger of being murdered by Caleb.

"Max, I have a plan." I catch his attention very quickly, "Call Caleb. Tell him that you're going with him tonight and tell me the place where he's going killing. I'm going to catch him tonight. When I show up, act surprise." He nods. He takes out his phone and begins to talk to Caleb.


Stalking was one thing. Catching my brother red handed was another thing. I look at him as he and Max begin laughing. But they were just hanging out casually outside of the movie theater. Was Caleb's victim in there? My phone vibrates and notifies me with a text from Ruby.

From: Ruby!

Hey the movie just ended, Lauren cried at the end. :P

I look at the message and I look at Caleb who was holding his knife behind him. Shit shit shit shit shit. Something told me that it was going to be Ruby, but of course Max wouldn't know because Caleb is a dick head. Even if it was Lauren who was the victim, I would still defend her. One girl is my girlfriend. The other girl is my girlfriend's best friend who is also my friend. Ruby and Lauren come out at the back entrance of theater since it took them straight home. Max and Caleb were waiting for them around the corner. Caleb tells Max something and they both prepare to gang up on Ruby and Lauren. Now there was no time to waste. Max and Caleb put on their masks and Ruby and Lauren screamed. I put on my mask with my hood. I take out my knife and I walk over there.

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