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Taehyung's outfit

At the end of the fanmeet only about 10 fans were separated and the others were seated

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At the end of the fanmeet only about 10 fans were separated and the others were seated.
Tae was among the 10 fans selected unfortunately Hyungsik wasn't chosen.

After waiting for a few minutes members came near the fans who were standing.
They stood close to them holding bouquets four members had two , two of them had one.

All the members gave bouquet to two fans each and hugged them whichever member had one bouquet they gave it to and army and hugged them.

Jin and Jungkook had one bouquet with them while the others had two bouquets.

All the members started giving out bouquets and hug and Jungkook and Jin both came towards Tae but after seeing Jungkook also go towards Tae , Jin gave his bouquet to some other army.

Jungkook stood in front of Tae and said "Borahae Taehyung !" And handed him his bouquet.

After handing over the bouquet Jungkook pulled Tae closer to him by his waist and hugged him. Tae encircled his arms around Jungkook's neck and felt him being pulled closer.
When Tae thought Jungkook was going to break to the hug and was about to move away Jungkook pulled Tae harder this time and nuzzled his nose in Tae's neck and inhaled his scent, Taehyung felt tingles all over his body as he could feel Jungkook's breath on his neck.

They stood like that for a while a broke away half heartedly.

As soon as they broke the hug they could sense the tension again, they couldn't talk to each other and they just stood their flustered and shy just looking into each other's eyes.
It was oddly to strange that they felt really different and wanted to feel that again.
Even though the feeling was strange both of them loved it and in fact wanted more.

They felt like they didn't want anything else in this world when they kept looking at each other. For some reason they felt complete and contended.

Now they had organised lunch for the fans.
The fans were asked to proceed towards the area where the lunch was organised.

They were asked to return back to the same location for concert after 1 hour after completing their lunch and other activities.

Tae went back to Hyungsik and they went together for lunch.
Hyungsik noticed that Tae was quieter than usual and his face was all red.
Hyungsik checked if Tae had fever or if he was ill and later when Tae confirmed that it was just because of the heat Hyungsik just gave him a bottle of water to drink.
They proceeded to have lunch , finished it and went to the restrooms but this time after sending himself the location of the concert site.

Since Tae and Hyungsik arrived early to the spot they could sit wherever they want and they sat right in front of the centre of the stage.

They concert went by happily and cheerfully.
He was over the moon when he could see the members standing right in front of him and sing songs.

When the concert came to an end and the members bid their goodbyes to the armies Tae was in tears. He then thought to himself that he would make sure to attend more concerts in the future to experience this immense pleasure and happiness.

After the concert was over Tae sat there for a few minutes, after almost everybody had left he got from his seat and began walking towards the exit.
Just as they got from their chair Hyungsik received a call from the hospital that there was an emergency and they needed him at the moment and asked him to reach there as soon as possible.

So now Tae walking alone in front of the stadium thinking about how the day went and his accidental meeting with the members.
Since the weather was good he sat near a bench there and opened his Instagram and posted the pictures he took today with the members and posted them online after tagging them to their pictures.He knew the members wouldn't even look at his post and it would just be ignored as millions of armies tag them but still decided to tag them to the post.

He sat there for some more time to enjoy the breeze. Then he went towards the pavement and looked for a cab since Hyungsik went to the hospital in Bogum's car as it was an emergency.

Now Tae didn't find any cab that was vacant so he decided to walk back home.

And he was slowly walking while observing his surroundings and enjoying the cold breeze.

After walking for about half and hour Tae reached home. He went inside took a hot shower and changed to some comfy warm clothes.

Now he opened his Instagram to scroll through reel but then he saw a few notifications and decided to just ignore it as they were mostly some follow requests by strangers who tried to flirt with him.

After watching reels for a while he slept on the couch in the living room without even having his dinner.

Slowly he woke up when he felt someone waking him up , so he opened his eyes and saw Bogum in front of him asking him to come to the dining table to have his dinner.

Sleepy Tae walked towards the dining table and sat down and ate his food and thanked Bogum for the delicious food.

They talked for a little while about how their day went and all and went to their respective rooms. Now Tae looked for his diary to make and entry about the wonderful day he had.
He kept looking everywhere and found the diary he opened it only to find the pages filled with picture of BTS since their debut it had all sorts of pictures like their lives ,award shows ,music videos, run BTS etc.

That's is when he realised that he gave Jungkook his personal diary instead of the gift he had got for him.
He recollected all the embarassing moments, intrusive thoughts and explicit things he had in his mind that he had written in that book, a book which he wanted to keep as a secret all his life.
The book had all his information , anyone who read that book would know Tae as if they had been with Tae all his life and he felt embarassed of himself to exchange these books and gifting jungkook the wrong book.

But after thinking for a while he thought it's not necessary for Jungkook to read the book right. God knows if he even takes all his gifts with him to his home. And even if Jungkook read that book it's not like Jungkook would show up and tease him about the stuff he had mentioned in the book.
Thinking of this he felt a little relaxed and slept off.

To Be Continued...

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