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3rd Person POV

After Jungkook dropped off Tae near his house he waved a bye and started walking towards the door.
But just as he was walking away Bogum came running to him and held his hands. Due to the sudden action Taehyung turned towards Bogum ready to yank his hands away but relaxed as soon as he realised it was Bogum and not some random stranger. Then Bogum enquired Tae as to why he was late and how Hyungsik and he himself were about him as it was pretty late.
Taehyung just told him that the last customer had ordered lot's of food and then cleaning up and closing the cafe took time.
Then they went inside and locked the doors and then walked off to their rooms.

Next day he informed Seojoon that he wouldn't be able to come to the cafe as he had to meet someone. He woke up around 8:30 then slowly took a warm bath for 30 minutes then went down had the breakfast Bogum had prepared.
Once he was done be went to his room and got dressed and left the place.

Within 20 minutes he arrived in front of a huge mansion with which he was familiar, even though he had visited the place only once he felt like he was back home in Daegu.
He went in by himself and went into a huge room where there was a lady busy arranging the flowers in the case.
Taehyung went to her and greeted her with a warm smile on his lips then the lady hugged him and told him how much she missed him.

Then Taehyung said "Oh mom you don't know how much I missed you I wanted to meet you earlier itself but then I thought that you could be busy and I shouldn't cause trouble so I waited for your message."

"Ah my baby you dint have to wait for me to call you busy come whenever you feel like ok.
It's not just for namesake that you're calling me mom, so just come home whenever you miss me ok." Mina said patting Tae's head lovingly and guided him towards the reading area.
Mina figured out that Tae liked reading books even though she didn't know the genre or anything she just felt like buying some books of different genres so Tae wouldn't feel bored there.
Now both of them were sitting in the reading area and enjoying reading the book while sipping on some juice and snacks.
This was one of Tae's favourites he loved reading books mainly romance genre but secretly lived reading dark romance as well when he was alone.

He didn't like reading books in his childhood but slowly developed this habit when he moved to Seoul and started living alone.
Since he lived alone he started reading books to keep himself occupied. But once while looking online for some book which he couldn't find in the stores he downloaded a wrong book and ended up reading an erotic novel.
From then onwards he would read some erotic books online whenever he felt like but continued reading normal romance stories as well.
This was something no-one ever knew about him except for him and his diary.

So they spent the day reading books and sharing some coffee recipes as Tae worked at a cafe.
They've been talking to each other for about 3 weeks now and have gotten very close.
Tae also talked to Mina about his parents his hometown and how he ended up in Seoul , basically everything about himself.
And Mina also often spoke her sons, the elder one working in Jeju and younger one working here in Seoul.
Even though the younger one worked in Seoul he lived separately in an apartment as it was close to his workplace and that he visited home whenever he missed her or her food.

And just like that the day was gone. Both of them felt like they wanted to spend more time together but Tae had to leave since he didn't want his friends to worry about him but also promised Mina to meet her every now and then.

And just as Tae left the place the younger son of Mina arrived home and again Mina scolded her son for not reaching home a little earlier as he could have met Taehyung.
But the younger thought in his mind 'you are talking about someone's beauty mom but you don't know how much you'll appreciate the beauty of the love of my life if you met him he is the definition of ethereal beauty with brains.'

That's how the day ended for Taehyung and Mina but elsewhere Jungkook missed tae and decided to text him.

After that when Tae reached home he changed into a pair of pajamas since it's more comfortable. Once done he decided to scroll on some reels when he noticed a text from Jungkook.

Then the two of them texted for about an hour and then went sleep.

This continued for a few days, when the weekend approached by Tae messaged Jungkook asking him if the movie night was still on only to receive a text back saying
'Sorry tae urgent work came up, can we meet up after a few weeks since I'm leaving to the US for some urgent mv shoot and sing recording. Hope you understand. I'm really very sorry I'll make it up to you next time. Byee take care.'

To be honest tae felt very sad after receiving the message of the movie night being cancelled but still consoled himself as Jungkook was a celebrity and he had work and was busy but felt relieved that atleast he texted him saying that he was busy and didn't leave him hanging.

With Tae went to sleep with a cute pout on his lips.

To Be Continued...

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