>>>Ken's POV: Today was the day that I moved my family into a much bigger house, a mansion, since we were moving all of our kids into one house now.
We had moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles,
But moved up into the nice parts of Cali.
Atherton, California to be specific.
We've been looking for homes since we had got engaged, but it was never enough rooms or space to fit our entire families so we had bought acres and built our own house.
The normal range of time for our house to be built was two years, but we had to add an extra year when Toni and I had found out that we were expecting another baby together and we had to have them build a couple extra rooms.So that was fun.
In the meantime while we waited an extra year for our house to be built in California,
We had our hands full with our two youngest
Kaiya, 6 and Kensley, 3.Kaiya was from a previous engagement before I married Toni but that's a long story.
Kensley was the result of riding back in the limo to our hotel on our wedding night.
Now that we got that explanation put the way,
The triplets.Toni's daughters, our daughters,
Tatianna, Tianna and Teyanna.Toni's daughters from her first marriage with that son of a bitch, Keri. I hated that nigga and I've expressed that over the years especially when I punched him in his face.
Back to the point, Toni had 3 daughters with her Ex husband.
Although, they're biologically Keri's.
I was there all along, from Toni's first trimester to her last, to the birth of the triplets to seeing them take their first steps.I seen it all, All because some men don't have no sense.
Despite that, I was around and I always pretty much made it known that I was playing daddy.
Even when Toni & I stopped talking.