i see you, queen

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Hey goddess,
I just want you to know that i think that you're really cool
Every day you go out there and bravely face each day
Giving the world bits and pieces of yourself
Even the parts they don't like,
Knowing they won't like it
But do it anyway with no shame
Sometimes people get you down and disappoint you
Sometimes you worry what people think of you
Like maybe they think I'm crazy or weird
And maybe you'll crawl in bed for a few hours and feel sorry for yourself
But then after a while you get right back out of bed
And love again and have faith in people again
With little reluctance
Hey cool girl
Sometimes the world does chew you up and spit you out
And you just rub the spit off your cheeks
Bandage your scabby knees and keep right on going
Maybe you don't smile too brightly
Maybe you don't wear makeup most of the time
And you think your skin is too oily
And you sweat like a cup of lemonade on a hot summers day
Know that there are people that love your smile
and think that you are flawless and beautiful
And understated
While everyone else is out there trying to show off every asset they have
You hide under sweatshirts and hats
And people think you're shy, quiet, reserved
And they may be right
But you've learned long ago not everyone deserves to see your light
Even though everyone feels entitled to
But what they think doesn't matter
What you think is the most important
And you don't see yourself clearly
But i see you
You are funny, and you are smart
And you are complicated
But that's a good thing, do you want to be the kind of person people can figure out in ten seconds?
And I'll tell you who you are, hell I'll tell the world
You are the girl that buries her head in books, that believes in magic, that converses with angels, that only dances when no one is watching, that can't sing but does it anyway,
When you love, you love hard
When you care, you care too much
You don't open yourself up to everybody
And some people hate that
But to the people you do, you are the best damn friend they've ever had
You're the one that will read every poem or piece of writing anyone gives you and return it covered in notes
You're the one that'll stay up til 3 o clock in the morning texting a friend and need to sleep but not caring
You will wake up in the middle of the night to respond to a text
You respond to everyone's messages emails texts smoke signals so often people are downright appalled when you don't get back to them within 5 mins
And that's really fucking cool
A lot of times you've hated your job but you still tried hard and pretty much every single manager you've ever had will take you back and have good things to say about you
I see you, queen
Cat lover, coffee connoisseur, wine sipper, writer who's hands are covered in ink and callouses from writing too much
With nothing to show for it
But still taps away at the keyboard
You may not think you have much
But there's one thing you do have
And that's hope
and that's the best goddamn thing you could really have
So many people who have had it better than you, have already given up
But you don't
And that's one of the millions of reasons
Why i love you

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