laughing at you

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One day everyone will see
what they did to you and me
And they will be kicking themselves
But we won't care
We'll be flying above them in the stars
You and me and unbridled glory
Our tears turn to laughter
They will cringe at our love
So wonderful and disgusting in their eyes
But we dont care we'll be dancing with the angels on the rings of saturn
And they'll all still be stuck in their hell
We won't even see them where we are
All that exists up there is joy and love
Let them drench in their darkness
We were born out of the stars to this day they swirl around us
Love so strong, others look to our example
We will teach them all what love is with our song
I never sang before but how did my voice come out so melodious and beautiful when I called for you
And you came running
Ran so fast our souls collided like shooting stars and met in an aurora borealis
Dancing lights destroying everything in its path
And they were angry
Wailing and gnashing their teeth
Oh how we laugh at them
You can't stop fate we screamed down at them with clenching hands
The dirt and rocks they threw at us couldn't even prick our auric shields, barely even felt it at all
Oh how they hate us
We dont even see them where we are
Our souls have transcended time and space and bullshit
We started off as barely blinking stars and now we are galaxies
And any meteors they throw at us will burn in our fucking blaze
You cant touch us, so please stop trying
It's embarrassing to watch you fail and fail again
One day soon, the hunted will become the hunter
And you will see, why the gods hand selected us to destroy you
Gods rage gathered into our hands in burning light
Chucking it at you, watch you scamper like the roaches you are
We're not playing anymore

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