love triangle

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I am an 18 year old student at my high school and very devoted to everything I do. I'm in band, chorus, and multiple other extracurricular activities at my school.
My main passion, however, is band. Sometimes band is all I can think about. It's all I can dream about. I lose sleep for it, I don't eat for it, I don't drink for it, and I don't breathe for it. I kinda always thought band was going to be my soulmate til the end. The closest I was going to get to the warm embrace of another human would be the cold bell of my golden tinted French horn. The closest I was going to get to blowing a guy was buzzing into my mouthpiece during Region Band auditions. And that was it. And I was fine with that.
Until I met... him.
He was beautiful. He had hair and a nose and a mouth and an eye. He was... dare I say... perfect.
He was also in band and played trumpet. I loved the way he buzzed into that trumpet. It really turned me on and made me feel so GOOD inside. So, one misty day, I approached him with agony.
"H-hi, y/c/n. I-I was wondering... would y-you
l-like to go... out with... me??," I said as I shit myself with agonizing anxiety.
"Oh.. uh.. yeah. I-I'd really love to. I-I actually have been wanting to ask you the... same thing for a while now and... I-uh... I really like you.. haha... I was thought you were so pre- DAMN WHAT IS THAT SMELL?," he says.
The smell he was smelling was the shit in my pants festering in my underwear. But... I couldn't tell him that. Not yet.
"Uh... it's probably just... probably just the trash can," I say as I shit a little more.
"Oh, hell nah, girl. I know it's that ass. Did you shit or something?," he says.
"I-uh... I...," I stutter with agony. Defeated, I tell him the truth. "Yes... yes I did."
"Haha... good girl," he says and it shocks me to my core. "I love the smell of that poo, girl. Haha... that.. really turns me on for real, for real."
I gasp. I didn't know another person had those feelings. "Really?!," I say.
"Really, really, baby," he says with a beaming smile.
We get in his car and drive to the nearest car wash. In the car wash, I shit all over his face as we do 69 in the backseat and he pisses in my mouth. I scream and cream with agony.
"That was amazing," I say as we leave the car wash. "Do you think we should... kiss?"
He hesitates. "Um... I don't know... I think I'm kind of... um... too... nervous to do that yet. I-I don't want to mess it up... haha," he says with my shit dripping down his whole face.
Just then, seemingly out of the blue, a big whale of a beast comes out of nowhere and slams into the car window.
"HANDS OFF MY GIRL!!!," he screams with agony.
Just then, I knew who he was. He was my arch-nemesis. Y/a/n/n!
"Y/A/N/N! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?," y/c/n screams at the top of his lungs.
"Coming back to take what's rightfully mine. Haha... get ready for a new me 😈," y/a/n/n says.
He picks up our car and throws us across the parking lot. We crash into the side of the car wash.
We get out of the car with blood dripping down my face. "STOP, Y/A/N/N! THIS ISN'T YOU!," I say with agony as shit cakes my tighty whities.
Y/a/n/n had previously had a massive crush on me not too long before I started dating y/c/n. When he confessed his feelings for me, I rejected him which made him bitter. He'd been stalking me for months, sending me cryptic text messages and making me feel like I was going crazy. And dating y/c/n was only making it worse. You see, y/c/n used to be best friends with y/a/n/n for many, many years until they had a terrible falling out for reasons unbeknownst to me. Y/c/n wouldn't tell me what had happened between them but I knew it had to have been bad by how hurt he seemed when he talked about it to me.
"THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU, Y/A/N/N! WE CAN FIX THIS TOGETHER!," I scream at the top of my lungs with agony.
"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! NOW YOU MUST PAY THE PRICE!," y/a/n/n screams to me.
"LOOK, I KNOW I REJECTED YOU AND I KNOW YOU'RE STILL HURT BY IT BUT I PROMISE I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU!," I yell with agony as the shit rolls down my jeans aggressively and I no longer have any kind of control of my bowels.
"What? Who said I was worried about you?,"
y/a/n/n says.
"Huh?," I say.
"It's y/c/n I'm worried about," y/a/n/n says.
Y/a/n/n walks over to y/c/n with a somber expression in his eyes.
"Y/c/n... you know I loved you... that love we shared... the times we had together... did it mean nothing? I-I've missed you so bad... and then I see you're dating someone who also broke my heart... what happened to us?," y/a/n/n says as he embraces y/c/n face.
"I-I don't know, baby boy. I-I've missed you, too. I've always loved you, baby boy. I'm sorry for separating us. I just... I felt so weird about the fact you were my cousin... and the fact that I was fucking you... and the fact that we were gay lovers. I thought the world would hate us but... now... I don't care. Let the world know that... this is true love and... I love you," y/c/n says as he kisses y/a/n/n. They start to ferociously make out in the car wash parking lot.
I tear up with tears of joy. I never knew that this could be the reason why they had such a bad falling out. I could see that they had pure, true love. But a part of me was sad at what I lost.
Y/c/n was the closest to a soulmate I'd ever had. And now he was gone... or so I thought.
As I began to walk away from the car wash and back home, y/c/n and y/a/n/n noticed I was leaving.
"HEY, Y/N! Where you going? Let's have a three-way, girl!," y/c/n screams with agony.
I smile a beaming smile and shit my pants even more. I run over to them with open arms.
Still in the car wash parking lot, we begin to strip off our clothes swiftly. We violently shit all across the parking lot and smear it all over each other. The cars are caked in shit. They begin to fuck my butt as I keep shitting and it feels so agonizing and good that I shit some more. You can never have enough haha. Fecal matter leaks into the water tank of the car wash and each car that runs through it starts to get caked in shit. The people in the car wash scream and shriek with agony which turns the three of us on even more. We all finish at the same time, shitting and cumming in unison like a beautiful choral symphony. Or a beautiful French horn duet with a prime unison resolution at the end.
At the end, me and y/c/n kiss for the first time.
"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?," I say to y/c/n.
"Haha.. yeah, girl. That really wasn't haha," he says back.
We all walk home together but me and y/c/n are the ones holding hands.
We're stuck in a love triangle and, even though it's tricky, I hope we never get out of it.

 We're stuck in a love triangle and, even though it's tricky, I hope we never get out of it

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