Twenty Seven

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I'm not sure why but Sebastian bought a trampoline recently. People started asking if it was for our future kid. I quickly shut those rumors down. Tonight Sebastian has decided not to jump around on it, but has brought out blankets and pillows. We are going to smoke a blunt and watch The Office.

"Pass it over already." He says.

He takes a hit and blows it up into the air.

"So how is stuff with Opal?"

He's been on the phone with her a lot. He also asked me for some advice on what handcuffs to buy for her last week. Things must be going well

"Asking me a personal question? That's new for you. Things are going good. We have started calling daily and I got to see her a week ago when I took that hit job in New York. " He replies, passing the blunt back.

"Did you guys use a condom last week? Not that it's my business, but since we don't use them, I just want to make sure i'm not getting anything. Just cause I don't know her results. Oh and for the record, I use condoms and dental dams with other guys I hookup with so you don't have to worry about that."

"Opal and I used condoms. You're the only person I've done it raw with since college actually. I swore it off after my then target/girlfriend almost got pregnant."

He almost got a target pregnant? That's crazy

"In my defense, I went through all the proper steps. We got STD tested monthly and she was on birth control. She just forgot to take her pills sometimes." He sighs.

"Well that'll never happen here. I'm pretty sure I'm infertile because even with my implant my periods are so irregular."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine. I have never wanted kids. I'm not sure i even like kids that much."

Just briefly interacting with Cathy's kids was overwhelming

"To us not having kids together." Sebastian says.

He grabs his beer and raises it up. I grab my drink and toast with him.

"Do you want kids?" I ask.

I'm genuinely curious. Weed makes me sociable for once

"Honestly no. I love babysitting and teaching kids, but I have never really imagined kids of my own. I just want to retire, settle down with someone I love, and enjoy our time together. Just us...and maybe a pet ."

When we finish the blunt, he starts a new episode of The Office. It's a funny show, but white people are way too obsessed with it. Him included.

"When Silas and I were in Greece, we would binge random seasons on the weekend. He loved this show as much as I did." He beams.

"How did he pass? If you don't mind me asking. They said it was on a mission, but I don't get how he would drown when he was such a skilled diver and swimmer. I mean, he taught me how to free dive and diffuse a bomb underwater." I comment.

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