Twenty Eight

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I've got to dive down and break into an underwater base. Then I have to steal documents while the owner is away. Opal is coming with me because she's a talented swimmer. Though Fiona is a better swimmer, Opal has better lock picking and hacking skills. I'm glad Opal came. Hanging out with her is fun. And I do like sleeping with her. I'll be honest though, I can't say the romantic feelings are back. I like being friends and talking, but i don't think i want to date her. I don't think she wants to date me either. Ever since i said I "wanted to try it out for real" with her, nothing romantic has happened. She seems more than okay with that. She never makes a move and keeps things platonic. I never make a move either. I'm not sure why though. I really thought I wanted to date Opal.

We're currently diving down to find the base. We keep up a fast pace as we descend. Although I do stop when a school of fish swim by. They're colorful and patterned so I watch
them pass.

Opal is able to spot the base first so we make our way to the front door. She hacks into the security system and swims over to the lock. She opens the tiny front zip of her water pack and pulls out two small rods. She closes the pocket and works on the lock. She soon cracks it and i turn the giant wheel. I open up the door and we swim inside. The door closes on its own and the room begins to filter out the water. Eventually the water is all gone and we're left in the entry way in our wetsuits. I stand up and offer her a hand. She takes it and we continue further into the hideout.

"You know last time I was on a mission like this, I almost died." I laugh.

"What?" She asks with concern.

I explain the story of when Fiona and I went to kill that mole from Rex. And how it ended with me getting shot in the leg and my rebreather getting damaged.

"She saved my life actually. According to the medics, she did CPR on me for like 30 minutes."

"I had no idea you drowned. I thought you just got a minor bullet wound. I'm glad she was able to save you." She says. Placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. At the end of the day, Fi's always reliable. No matter how much bickering we get into."

We start searching the small submarine base to find the classified files. Some of them are physics papers and others are on the computers. I can deal with breaking into alarm systems, but can't hack a computer to save my life so Opal handles that. She hums a little song while she breaks through each firewall. It's in a different language so I'm not sure what she's saying.

"What are you singing?" I ask as I try and break into the large safe.

I'm assuming the paper copies will be in there.

"It's a Tagalog lullaby my mom used to sing me." She tells me.

Her parents are also spies so like me, she's a legacy agent.

"It's nice. Very soothing." I say. I'm able to crack the safe but it's filled with money, not files.

"Did your mom sing you lullabies too?"

"Can't remember if she did. She passed when I was four."

"Oh shit I forgot. I think I went to her funeral since my dad is on the board of execs."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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