Event #38: Fated Meeting II

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Just to let y'all know, I'm making this short stint up as I go along so don't expect the best of quality.

I have zero clue on what to add so I'll be winging it.

Enjoy. 👍


To be completely honest, just a person coming out from a dumpster alone was bizzare enough but the last thing Alex expected was a normal looking girl.

He honestly expected it to be sone crackhead dude but what he saw was far from that.

Alex was currently face to face with a young woman with silvery-gray hair and golden-ish yellow eyes.

She wore a black long sleeved jacket with said sleeves rolled up to her elbows over a white shirt, black and yellow gloves, a black tight skirt, a light blue garter on her left thigh, and boots.

The girl waved at Alex, giving him an awkward smile as she scratched the back of her head.

"T-Thanks for getting me out of there kiddo." She said.

"Don't mention it. Protip, maybe don't hop into the garbage next time, okay?" He said.

Alex turned to walk away however the girl immediately got his attention.

"Wait hold on!" She shouted.

"Hm? What is it?" He asked, turning back around.

"Could you, help me?"


"I uh, don't really know where I am or how I got here to begin with."

When that was said, Alex was completely floor, flabbergasted even and genuinely had zero clue on how to respond let alone what to say.

"Uh, excuse me? Could you run that by me again?"

"I have zero clue on how I got here. All I remember was sleeping in my room and then waking up in a dark place which ended up being that dumpster." She stated.

'Maybe she is a crackhead, just mentally and not physically.' Thought Alex as what the girl was saying made zero sense to him.

"Look ma'am. No offense but, do you really expect me to believe that story? What you're implying is that you basically teleported in your sleep. That sounds extremely ludicrous." He said.

"Come on. Do I really look like the kind of person that blatantly lie to others?"

"You literally were in the dumpster. That's on the same level as drug addicts and homeless people."

"Well, since I don't know where I am then I guess I technically am homeless for now."

"What? You're not supposed to agree with................ugh, nevermind." Said Alex, opting to switch topics.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Stelle." Said the girl in a very proud tone. "Nice to meet you, red eyes."

"Red eyes? My name's Alex. Please don't call me that."

"Hmm, nah no thanks. I like red eyes better." Said Stelle as Alex sighed.

"Fine, whatever. You said you were homeless right?"

"From what it looks like, yeah I guess."

"Follow me. I live in this area."

Alex would guide Stelle out of the garbage are and back to the apartment complex as the two walked up the stairs to the second floor as the boy unlocked the door and brought her into his living space.

"This is where I live. Just don't expect much. I don't really have lots of Personality stuff or mementos. I'm what you call a minimalist, I think." He said.

"As long as I have somewhere to sleep then it's all fine with me. Thanks red eyes." Happily said Stelle.

"Just don't make yourself too comfortable. I like to keep things organized. Anyways, guest room is down the hall. First door to the left. Get some sleep already. Damn near two in the morning." Said Alex.

The girl nodded and thanked Alex one last time before entering the room as Alex entered his and immediately crashed onto his bed, still worn out from a long afternoon.

'I really hope it wasn't a mistake bringing that girl in.' He thought to himself before finally drifting off to sleep.

[The Next Morning]

The early hours of the day were quite peaceful as Alex had made and eaten a quick breakfast for himself as he was currently watching TV on his couch.

A few minutes would pass until he heard a yawn coming from the hallway as he turned around to see Stelle walking into the living room, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.

"Morning. If you're hungry then I made food. Not some master chef though so it's just some basic eggs." Said Alex as Stelle nodded and sat beside him on the couch.

The two watched TV in silence until Alex got a phone call as he got up and walked into the hall way to answer.

As he was there, Stelle couldn't fully make out the conversation but she was able to hear him say stuff like, "yes", "really", and "thank you".

He went to his room and eventually came back to the living room now dressed and with his sword attached to his back.

"I'm gonna be heading out."

"Huh? Why so early?"

"Got a call. Was given a mission to look at so I'm heading to see the informant on the debriefing. From there, I'll see if I accept the mission or not." He explained which confused Stelle.

Mostly because someone that young seemingly having a job was unexpected.

"You, work?"

"No duh. How else do you think I can afford this space? I'm a mercenary. I get calls like this every once in a while."


Stelle was silent for a bit before immediately standing up.

"Take me with you."


"I wanna see what kind of job you get."

"You do remember that there's a chance I might NOT accept it, right?"

"Then just accept it. Don't be lame."

'Holy hell. What a asshole.' Thought Alex.

"Womp womp don't care. This is my line of work so I have final say." He said.

"We'll see when we get there. Now come on. Take me and let's go!" Stelle excitedly said.

Alex just sighed and would take time time think this over.


What do you think chat.

Should Alex bring Stelle with her?

Find out next time! 👍

Event #38: Complete

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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