Zia: Part 1

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A/N: Hey you awesome people!! So its almost the end of this story and I decided that I wasn't ready to say good-bye to Zia just yet. And thus I have decided to do a recap of their less than fairy tale-like love story using some of our favourite scenes. Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we? And for those of you who haven't read the whole thing, maybe it'll make you want to...hopefully. Enjoy ;) xx

Chapter 1: Their first meeting

'The black keys

Never looked so beautiful

And a perfect rainbow

Never seemed so dull

And the lights out

Never had this bright a glow

And the black keys

Are showing me a world I've never known'

The music was captivating and she sung each word like she understood it completeleh. But what intrigued me more was her appearance. She had really short black hair, a black guns and roses t-shirt, knee length denim shorts, and a pair of black converse. She wasn't exactleh the type of girl you'd find sitting in a church playing the piano. And I had to get closer. I stopped a few feet behind her and just listened as she sang a song I'd never heard before.

'She hates the sun

Cause it proves she's not alone

And the world doesn't revolve around her soul

She loves the sky

Cause it validates her pride

And never lets her know when she is wrong'

I didn't know if she'd written the song, buh I hoped she hadn't cause if she did I should be running in the other direction not edging closer towards her like I was.

'And the walls start closing in

Don't let em get

Inside of your head'

She sang every word with so much emotion that I realized I was intruding and I tried to walk away, buh I jus couldn't, Not now, I hadta hear the end of the song.

'And the black keys

Never looked so beautiful

And a perfect rainbow

Never seemed so dull

And the lights out

Never had this bright a glow

And the black keys

Are showing me a world I've never known'

She softened her tone as she sang the chorus again and I heard her voice break.

'Sometimes a fight

Is better black and white'

She ended the song and I saw a tear roll down her cheek and she quickly swiped at it.

"What do you want?" she asked not even turning around.

"Uhm I-I heard you playin..." I had no idea what to say to this girl, I really should've left.

"Yeah so?" she asked turning to face me for the first time. She was a lot prettier than I'd thought and the short hair really suited her.

"Uhm...you're really good..." I smiled in an attempt to make this less awkward.

"Thanks" her expression softened and I chanced a step closer.

"The song...?" I asked.

"Its Black keys by Nick Jonas"

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