Chapter 16 : Let me kiss you

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Zayn's POV


'Say something I'm giving up on you'

She was playing and singing again and just like that first day, I was drawn to her.

'And anywhere I would've followed you

 Say something I'm giving up on you'

Her eyes were shut so I decided to sneak up on her. I quietleh snuck into the sanctuary and behind her. Then I put my hands over her eyes that were still closed and I felt her body stiffen. I kept my hands there for a few more seconds until I felt her calm down again.

 "Zayn..." she mumbled.

 "How'd ya know it was meh?" I laughed, taking my hands off her eyes.

 "Your hands...I knew they weren't Dane's. And besides you're the only other person here and I don't really think the pastor would do that, would he?" she laughed at the thought. "How's the Sunday school room goin?" she asked turning away from the piano and towards me. As she turned around her knees brushed mine and she seemed awkward, so I took a step back even though I really didn't want to.

 "Really good actualleh" I answered.

 She jumped off the bench and started heading outside. I followed her and got there just as she stepped into the room.

 "Wow...Zayn..." she seemed awed. She turned to look at meh.

 "Zayn Malik, this is amazing!" she grabbed my hand and then realised and quickleh leht it goh.


 "I didn't know you could draw, like proper"

 "Ah it's noht thah good realleh" I shrugged.

 "Well, to meh it is okeh?"

 "Okeh" I nodded and she smiled satisfied.

 "You ought to teach meh sometime"

 "Teach you whah?" I asked, buh didn't get an answer as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and was texting someone. Was I thah borin?

 "Uh...sorreh Zen, I havta goh" she mumbled. She started to walk out, her eyes still on her phone, noht really concentrating on where she was goin. She was attempting to leave the room practicalleh walking blind and it didn't work out too well. She missed the step and was about to fall, buh luckileh I caught her.

 "Thanks..." she looked op at meh startled. I was still holding her and in that moment I wasn't really thinking. I bent down and kissed her softleh on the lips. And to my amazement, she kissed meh back, but then she stiffened and pulled aweh.

 "Sorreh" I mouthed.

 "Priya's waitin for meh..." she mumbled and then ran off.

Gia's POV

"Hello to you too"

 "Huh...oh hi" I put on my best smile.

 "Okay, spill"

 "What?" I asked innocently.

 "Gia, something happened, just tell me already"

 "What...would...make you...think...thah?" I drew it out just to annoy her. Sure my sister and I get on really well, but that doesn't mean we don't have a little banter now and then.

 "That weird look on your face. Now stop being a dork and tell me what happened with Zayn"

 "Who said it had anything to do with Zayn"

 "Gia I'm gonna hit you" she threatened.

 "Hey concentrate on the road" I teased.

 "Will you just tell me already?"

 "Okeh fine,he kissed meh" I just kinda blerted it out.

 "I told you he would" she smirked.

 "What, so you're noht surprised?"

 "Oh please were you?"


 "Hmm...but not too surprised to kiss him back"

 Was I really having this conversation with my big sister? I really need to geht like a proper best friend thah I can tell stuff to, cause this is gettin embarrassing.


 "What, you didn't?"

 "I did, buh you shouldn't be encouraging it"

 "Ok fine I won't encourage it" she laughed.

 We arrived home and I went up to my room in silence, with the taste of Zayn Malik on my lips and the realization of what I'd done on my mind.

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