Chapter 21:Can we fall?

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Gia's POV

"Mom?" I called as I walked into the house. I walked into the lounge and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw who was sitting there.


 "Hi Gia" he smiled.

 "Hi" I mumbled and then rushed into the kitchen were my mother was cooking.

 "Mom, what's goin on?" I asked plopping myself down on a stool.

 "Hello to you too" she smiled and came to give me a hug. I hugged her quickly and then started grilling her.

 "Why is there a boy in our lounge? What is he doing here?"

 "That's Louis' friend Zayn. C'mon I'll introduce you" she grabbed my hand and started leading me back into the lounge.

 "Mom, mom it's fine we've met!" I pulled my hand away from her.

 "Okeh then what's the matter? He isn't bothering you is he?"

 "Uh no, no"

 "Eat something then"

 "Where's Loueh then?" I asked taking out some leftover chicken from the fridge to make a sandwich.

 "In the garage having a look at Priya's car"

 "What's wrong with her car?" I asked licking a bit of mayonnaise off my finger.

 "Oh nothing really, I think he's replacing the wipers or somethin"

 "And Priya?"

 "She's there with him giving him a pep talk before the interview I think"


 "Yeah Priya goht him an interview at her work"

 "Oh" So now they were gonna be working together as well? I hadn't even realised Loueh was older than Zayn. I took the sandwiches and a glass of juice and headed to the lounge rather confused. I handed Zayn the sandwich and sat down next to him. He was watching Chicago Fire, my dad's favourite series. It is a pretty good one and I often watched it with my dad.

 "Thanks" he said taking a bite of his sandwich.

 "Noht to be rude or anything, buh what are you doin here?" I had to ask.

 "I came with Loueh cause he's helping Pri-" he started but I cut him off.

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