Chapter 10 : Nothing to loose

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Zayn's POV

My mind was racing as I heard him geht closer and I could see his torch sweeping the wall I'd been painting. I was holding Gia's hand not just to calm her fears, but mine as well. Her fingers were icy cold and I felt horrible for putting her through this. The officer I knew far too well was right in front of us now, but the thought hadn't crossed his mind to turn around...yet. I was so afraid he'd hear us breathing that I didn't want to make a sound, but I knew that if we didn't move quick we were toast. And I'd probably be in juvi by the morning.

 "Run out that way, I'll be right behind you" I said in the faintest whisper pointing in the direction the cop had come from, which was the opposite direction we'd come from.

 "Ok...when?" she asked letting go of my hand.

 "Now" I whispered and just like that she was off. But instead of running she was sneaking. If Officer Higgins turned around he would've seen her, but she made no sound and he didn't hear anything. I waited until she'd gone around the bend and I couldn't see her anymore. And then I ran as fast as I could, which isn't very fast. Officer Higgins obviously heard me and started chasing me and yelling, buh he's kinda heaveh soh I had the upper hand. I went round the bend and Gia was waiting for meh, I grabbed her hand and we both ran as fast as we could. After like couple'a seconds the cop goht tired or whahever and he gave op.

Gia's POV

"Sorreh bout thah" Zayn apologized trying to catch his breath as we walked down the road as if nothing had happened.

 "It’s cool, besides it was kinda a ‘I might go to juvi tonight kinda way’" I laughed and he had that laugh/smile he has when he wrinkles his nose and has his tongue behind his teeth.

 "Anyway, I'm glad I didn't get busted cause..." he stuffed his hands in his pockets and his eyes were on the street.

 "What?" I asked intrigued at the transformation I'd just seen. It was like one minute he was all happy and laughing and then he suddenly he got all quiet and serious.

 "If I got caught, I'd get locked up for like a coupla years...and I'd promised my mom I would stay aweh from this place" he mumbled the last part as he kicked some stones that were on the ground.

 "What was with that man anyway, it was like he was out to get you. And he knew your name; I take it you've met before?" I knew I was pushing it but I wanted to see just how far my boundaries lay. Like how much would he tell me?

 "Yeah we know each other" he sighed, "His name is Paul Higgins" he left it at that. Ok so that was probably all he would tell me. But then he looked up at me again.

 "It's like a personal vendetta of sorts" he explained.

 "Ohkeh then" I realized we were right in front of my house and I wrinkled my nose.

 "What?" he asked lookin around.

 "That's my house" I pointed out.

 "Oh..." he seemed more disappointed than I was.

 "You wanna come in?" I offered to be polite.

 "No thanks mabeh next time" he smiled.

 "Thanks for the walk...and the tour"

 "You're welcome and sorreh again"

 "I swear if you say thah one for time, I'm gonna punch you" I threatened and he laughed.

 "Okeh then, bye Gia"

 "Bye Zayn" I would've kissed him on the cheek, but I suddenly didn't trust myself.

Zayn's POV

"So how'd it go mate?" Loueh asked the next mornin.

 "Didn't expect it to goh thah good, buh it was great really"

 "Wasn't her boyfriend there?" Tommo asked biting on a cracker or some'hin.

 "Yeah he was, buh then he goht sick and had t goh back home. So I hada walk Gia home and then we kinda took a detour"

 "D'you take her to the ramps?"

 "Yup" I nodded.

 "Whoa mate and what did she think?"

 "She loved it"


 "Buh then Higgins came there and we kinda hadta runaway"

 "Haha, must have been quite an experience" Loueh laughed and I joined in.

 "Yeah you could seh thah"

 "So did you kiss her?"

 "Noh man she has a boyfriend"

 "Yeah but that doesn't mean you didn't want to"

 "Yeah buh you know..."

 "We have got to get rid of that guy" he said as if he was really thinkin of it.

 "Buh Tommo we don't even know if Gia likes meh in the first place"

 "Well then we'll havta ask her"

 "What! Are ya crazeh mate?"

 "No I'm not gonna ask her directly, but you know" he winked.

 "Bro I think you better just stay away from her" I laughed.

 "Aww c'mon Zayn don't ya trust me?"

 "Uh yeah buh noht in this situation"

Gia's POV

"So what happened?"

 "Nothin Pri, really"

 "Oh c'mon I can see how you're blushing. Did he kiss you?"

 "What? No! He wouldn't"

 "Oh please, he would"

 "No, he knows I have a boyfriend and he respects that"

 "G he's a bad boy, he isn't like your goodie-two shoes boyfriend"


 "What I'm just being honest"


 "So did you WANT him to kiss you?"

 "Noooo! Why would I?"

 "Cause you like him"

 "No I do not!"

 "Ok suite yourself, but you're not lying to anyone"

 Arrgg couldn't she just shut up? Of course I liked him, I liked him a lot and it was beginning to scare me. I had a boyfriend and we were happy...weren't we?

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