Chapter 17:I shouldn't have kissed you

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Zayn's POV




"Loueh?" I called out, buh I didn't geht a response. I went to check in me room, buh the lad wasn't there either. I decided to try the kitchen.


 "Mom, where's Tommo?" I asked picking up one of the samoosas she'd just fried.


 "He didn't come here todeh, sunshine. By the way, how's the samoosas"


 "The best mom. Why wouldn't he be here, the lad practicalleh lives here" I planted a kiss on her cheek and then went to goh text Tommo. I was just goin to when I heard his voice.


 "Loueh where ya been?"


 "Hey mate how ya doin?"


 "Where were you?" I asked heading off to my room as Loueh followed.


 "Never mind that. Guess who I have a date with?" he seemed pretteh excited about it. So I let him talk even though I was dying to tell him whah happened with Gia.


 "Tell me"




 "Priya, who?"


 He couldn't be talking bout Gia's sister even though she's the only Priya I could think of at the minute.


 "Gia's sister" he said as if it was so obvious. Okeh so he was talking about her. I think my brain stopped working after that kiss and I've been on auto pilot ever since.


 "Okeh speaking of Gia..." I started.


 "Mate, aren't you gonna ask me how it happened?"


 "Okeh I will, buh I havta tell you somethin first"


 "Okay shoot" he sat down on my bed ready for an entertaining story.


 "I kissed her..."


 "Wait, what?! Back up"


 Well, that goht the reaction I was hoping for. So I related the whole story to him and then he told me in the utmost detail, what happened with Priya. I was happy for my mate, buh noht so much with myself. I mean despite how much I'd enjoyed it, what I did was wrong. And I felt bad for it cause it put Gia in a really awkward situation and I didn't want to do thah to her.




Gia's POV




'Give me love like her

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