Chapter 20:You're looking at me I'm sure

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Zayn's POV

"Mate, she looks HOT" Anthoneh nudged meh.

 "Shut op" I punched him in the arm, buh my eyes remained fixed on the girl who'd just walked in. She had on grey skinnies thah were tighter than I'd ever seen her wearing. And a black dress top thing, you know the ones thah are kinda handkerchief at the bottom. Anyway it looked really good on her. Oh and she had black pumps to complete the look. Priya looked pretty good too buh I didn't really notice. I don't make a point of looking at my mates' girlfriends. (Unlike Anthoneh)

 "It's about time" Loueh announced standing op to give his girlfriend a hug.

 "Sorry, it was this slow couch over here" she gestured to Gia. I went to hug Gia since she was looking all awkward and also cause I really wanted to. She smelled really good and we held on a little longer than necessary. When I eventualleh let goh she went over to Anthoneh to give him a hug too. We sat down and Loueh and Priya started talking immediately. I sat there looking at Gia and noht having the slightest idea of what to seh.

 "How's school?" she asked. I was about to answer, but then I realised she wasn't talking to meh; she was talking to Toneh.

 "Borin as usual" he laughed and she was actualleh smiling at him.

 "Ok what are you guys ordering?" Tommo asked breaking the awkward silence that was building up.

 "Chicken" Gia and I both said at once. I looked at her and smiled and she was almost smiling, buh then she quickleh put her head down apparently shy. I thought we were past thah stage by now. We eventually decided on the perri perri chicken and I made sure Anthoneh went to order. Thah at least gave me some along time with Gia. And she'd have to talk to me since the other couple acted as if no one else existed. I didn't know why she'd been ignoring meh all night, buh I was about to find out.

Gia's POV

"You okeh?" he asked looking at meh with those eyes.

 "Yeah, why?" I asked even though I knew why he was asking.

 "Don't know, haven’t seen you much lately" he shrugged.

 "Yeah I've been a bit busy. Okeh noht busy, just keeping a low profile" I don't know why I said that. It made me sound like a complete idiot. He was smiling though.

 "Have you seen Dane since..." he trailed off cause he was trying to be sensitive I guess, but he was curious at the same time.

 "Yeah I...uh...see him at church"

 "Thah must be hard. I'm sorreh babes" there he was being all sweet again. And thah's exactly why I'd been staying away from him. But now thanks to Priya here I was succumbing to his charms.

 "It's noht thah hard to be honest"

 "Yeah" he seemed surprised but pleased.

 "Yeah like I expected it to be tough, but it isn't really"

 "You guys are still friends though right?"

 "Yeah we still geht along. So it's all good I guess" I laughed. Anthony came back, buh no one really noticed. Zayn and I were back to normal. All the defences that I'd put up were long gone and I started noticing stuff about him thah I hadn't before. Like how much I actually liked the sound of his voice or how his laugh got high pitched and he wrinkled his nose when he found something really funneh. All in all it wasn't a bad night and I was glad I'd decided to come.

Louis' POV

Dark blue jeans, leather jacket, and a deep-red top (the colour was deep not the top). I was glad she was my date and not just cause she's fit. She's really fun and I was starting to like her a lot. Well, I did happen to glance away from Priya now and then and I happened to notice that things were going rather well for Zayn. Gia was laughin and that's always a good sign, well in my opinion anyway. I should ask Priya if she has a cousin or something cause Anthony looked really awkward sitting there by himself. It wouldn't be cool for uz to all be dating family. It would be downright weird. Well, I guess Anthony was on his own for this one.

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