Chapter 53:We're Fireproof

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Gia's POV

"Giaa, your phone!"

"Don't answer it!" I called out grabbing the towel and throwing it around myself before trailing water into my dorm room as I made a mad dash for my phone which was on my bed.

"Hello?" I answered the phone a little out of breath, buh it was totalleh worth it.

"Aww Zayyynn I love you soo muchhh" Laura teased making stupid kissy noises.

"Shut up!" I yelled.


"Noh noht you Zen, my stupid roommate" I rolled mah eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"Is she mehkin kissy noises again?" he giggled.

"You heard her?"

"He heard me?!" she gasped feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hi Laura" he chuckled over the line.

"He says hii" I told her.

"Hi Zayn, when ya comin?" I held out the phone to her and she yelled into it. And he was laughing when I repositioned the phone to my ear.

"Uhm Giashka?"


"Can you give the phone to her please?"

"You wanna talk to Laura?"

"Uh yeah if thah's okeh with you behbs"

"Uh yeah sure"

I handed the phone to her and then watched her have an, extremely difficult to hear, conversation with him. She was giggling and humming and she couldn't stand still, buh ah couldn't for the life of meh figure out whah was going on. The conversation eventualleh ended with her saying "My lips are sealed" and then she handed the phone back to me.

"He wants to speak to you" she cooed, giving me a cheesy grin before grabbing her hand bag and heading out the door leaving me to drill Zayn. I didn't geht any info out if him of course and I eventualleh gave up asking. If he wanted to tell meh he would. And if he didn't, then I'd find out sooner or lehter, cause ah had the feeling it involved me.

Zayn's POV

"Soh whah do ya think Loueh?"

"Uh?" he looked up from his phone startled.

"Were ya even listenin?" ah sighed.

"Uh no, sorry mate what was that?"

"Nothin" ah mumbled going to go get something to drink.

"Don't ya have anything in ya fridge beside beers" ah chuckled handing him a bottle before cracking one open for myself.

"There was coke, once upon a time, but Priya finished it" he shrugged.

"Soh she's like here all the time now huh?"

"Am I sensing a ting of jealousy?" he teased.

"Meh jealous of you? Nevah!"

"So what's your plan anyway?" he asked casually sipping his beer, his eyes glued to the telli. Ah think he was watching footy or som'hin.

"Plan for what?" I asked innocentleh, taking a seat beside him on the sofa with mah feet rested on the coffee table.

"Giaa you know that cute girl you've been crushing on for half your life now?"

"Shuh op!" ah shoved him and he giggled thah signature Tommo laugh.

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