Chapter 36:Throw me a life-line

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Zayn's POV

The cell at the precinct was icy cold. And everyone was giving me cold stares like I was a notorious gangster or somethin. There was a lot going on; I guess Friday night is pretty busy at the police station. Officer Higgins had given me a chance to make one call and I decided to call Tommo. I told him eveythin and asked him to call my mum. I didn't wanna call home cause I didn't wanna havta tell my parents thah I'd just been arrested...again. Well, the last time it'd happened I wasn't put in a cell or anything, buh this time there was finality to it, like this was it. I was going to juvi for sure and I was realleh scared. I mean just the thought of spending the night in a prison cell alone was terrifying. The place smelled disgusting and it was freezing cold and kinda damp for some reason. There was this bunk thah had a mattress thinner than the soles of my shoes. And then there was thah creepeh toilet thing. One look at it made me feel sick and the longer my parents took to arrive the more I started to panic. Whah if I had to spend like most of my life in prison just because I had been stupid enough to geht caught again? I wanted to be angreh at Gia for gehtin meh in this situation, buh I couldn't. I kept on seeing her fehs as she said bye to meh and I knew thah this was the last thing she ever wanted to do. She had on the glasses cause she didn't want me to see her cry, buh I could tell she was hurting bad. And sitting in this stinking cell there was nothing I wanted more than to be with her, buh there was no chance of thah now. Especialleh since juvi was where I was headed and uni was where she was going.

Priya's POV

"Okay mom talk to me this is important" I sat down on her bed and folded my legs beneath me even though I didn't feel like sitting down at all.

"What now Priya?" she sighed.

"What happened with Zayn's dad and our dad?"

"Okay well, I only met your father after all of this happened soh I only know what I've heard not really all the details"

"It’s okay mom just tell me what you know"

Wow I could make a good cop, and not the kind who locks up innocent teenage boys, just saying.

"Yaser and your father were proper big shots, gangsters of those days if you could call them that. And your father had this girlfriend, he wasn't really into her, but she was more of a statement you know"

"Yeah ma I get the idea go on" I urged.

"So anyweh Yaser and this girl ended up really liking each other. So Yaser tried to convince your father to break up with her, but he wouldn't"

"So what happened?"

"So eventually your father found out thah his girlfriend and his best friend were having a ‘thing’. And he turned on both of them. Their gang split and Yaser became the leader of the other gang, while Paul stuck with your father. And then they had this huge rivalry thah was never resolved"



"So is that why dad is so hard on Zayn?"

"Oh I dunno about that?"

"I'm gonna go talk to him" I jumped up and then ran downstairs to go talk to my dad.

Gia's POV

"Priya, go to bed"

"No dad, you have to help him. Talk to Paul, please!"

They were on the staircase and their voices were carrying through the wall. Priya sounded soh desperate thah I almost wanted to goh and plead for her even though I had no idea what all of this was about.

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