Chapter 2: Never in your wildest dreams

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Gia's POV

So here I was minding my own business when he comes in and refuses to leave. I mean I heard him come in, but I assumed he'd get bored and leave eventually. But no, he had to wait till the song was over. And then when I asked him what he wanted he didn't give me an answer, forcing me to turn around and look right into the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. So we had a small chat and introduced ourselves and then he left. I found out later that he was painting the outside of the church and I tried my utmost to ignore him, but I just couldn't get that smile outta my mind. So after going over it a thousand times and deciding that it was so wrong, I went outside.


 "Hey" There it was again that smile that made those eyes of his light up.

 "What ya doin?"


 "I can see that, I mean why?"

 "Community service" he shrugged. Hmm bad boy I should've known.

 "So guns and roses huh" he gestured to my shirt.


 "Ya have good taste in music"


 Ok things were gettin awkward fast and I decided to go back inside, but just as I was about to walk away he started humming. I didn't know the song but I could tell that he had a pretty good voice.

 "You sing?" the words slipped outta my mouth before I had time to rethink it and my surprise showed.

 "A lil" she shrugged and didn't look my way.

Wait, he's shy? I thought he was a supposed bad boy.

 "Sing something" I challenged.

 "Nah..." he shook his head and just kept paintin.

 "Maybeh tomorrow" he said softly.

 "What makes you think I'll be here tomorrow?"

 "Will you?"


 Yeah I try to be a little mysterious now and then, don't know if it works to be honest, but it beats being boring.

Zayn's POV

I don't know why I didn't sing to her. I don't know maybe after hearing her I didn't feel as confident, buh maybeh tomorrow. If she came thah is.

 "So why are you here?" I hada ask my curiosity getting the better of meh.

 "Pastor Sam asked me to check up on you"


 "Yup" she nodded emphatically.

 "So you like go to this church...?"

 "Yeah three times a week"

 "Oh..." Ok now she had my head spinning and figuring her out would probableh take all summer, buh I was up for the challenge...I think.

Gia's POV

"Hi babe, how was your day?"


 "Yeah, that punk didn't give you too much trouble did he?"

 "Nope, no trouble" I had to turn my face away so he didn't see my smile. I didn't want him thinking I liked this Zayn guy now did I? Dane can get a lil jealous at times and that could only spell trouble for Zayn, who I was beginning to think wasn't such a bad guy after all.

 "Did you talk to him?" he asked and I took a moment before I answered.

 "Yeah he seems sane"

 "You didn't tell him your name did you?"

 "Of course I did you dork, that's usually what you do when you meet new people?"

 "Yeah ok, but is he good looking?"

 "No…" good looking was an understatement.

 "So you're going back tomorrow?"

 "Uh yeah for the rest of the week, you can come if you want" I offered even though I didn't really want him to.

 "Ah no thanks I'm working at the garage with my dad remember"

 "Oh yeah, yeah"

 "Yeah maybe I'll stop by durin my break one of the days"

 "Yeah ok"

 "Good" he leaned over and kissed my cheek and I smiled.

Zayn's POV

When I got home Loueh was waitin for meh again.

 "Hey Zayn looking good mate"


 "Yeah you've got that look on your face...wait; don't tell's a girl!"

 "What? No!"

 "Yeah it is, I know that look"

 "Ok fine, buh will you keep your tone down I don't want my mom or my sisters hearin bout this"

 "Yeah sure mate, tell me everything"

 I related the story to him and he seemed pretty amused.

 "So will you see her tomorrow?" he asked more excited about this than I was.

 "I don't know to be honest"

 "Well, didn't you get her number?"

 "Uhh no..."


 "I know, I know, I'll get it tomorrow"

 "You better. So what does she look like?"

 "Uhhm...she's Indian"

 "Is she fit?"

 "Uh I wouldn't seh thah"

 "So she isn't fit?"

 "I wouldn't say thah either..."

 "Well is she at least pretty?" I could see he was really confused.

 "Yeah she's beautiful" I didn't know what else to say to him. How did I describe her to him when I didn't even understand it myself. I mean she isn't the kinda girl I would generally be attracted to. But there was just something about her, something I couldn't describe.

 "Ok how about I come with you tomorrow?" he offered.

 "What? No!"

 "Why not? At least I'll get to see her then"

 "You'll see her soon don't worry"

 "Oh you REALLY like her don't you?"

“I don't know” I didn't know if I liked her to begin with. Now I was planning on her meeting my friends?

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