Chapter 4:Let's go crazy

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Gia's POV

'So put your best dress on

 And wrap yourself in the arms of someone

 Who wants to give you all the love

 That you want-'


 "Yeah mom?" I pulled out one of my earphones and looked up at my mom.

 "Are you ready, love?"

 "What for?"

 I was in my pj's listening to old music and scrolling through twitter like I usually do on a Friday night.

 "Youth meeting" she said as if she couldn't believe that I'd forgotten.

"But it’s holidays I thought we'd closed"

 "Well you thought wrong. Now get up and get dressed, your sister's leaving in ten minutes"

 My older sister Priya was the youth leader at our church and I was generally excited to go, but not today. I'd spent the day at the church doing what I'd been doing for the past week, which consisted of piano playing, vacuuming, and other small tasks. I had actually volunteered to help out at the church for the majority of my holiday. But when I'd signed up I had no idea that it would entail making sure a very handsome lad did his community service. And now that my week of 'keeping an eye' on Zayn was over I was disappointed to say the least. I started rummaging through my draw for something to wear and eventually settled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a baggy purple t-shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and then ran down the stairs glancing in the mirror on my way out. Now before you think I'm clumsy, you should know that I don't always dress like this. I usually try to dress up really nice when I go to church cause I know there'll be some eyes on my; especially the grey ones of my boyfriend Dane. I jumped into the car and was greeted by the stares of my sister.

 "You're seriousleh wearin thah?"

 "Gimme a break" I snapped a lil sharper than I'd meant for it to be.

 "What happened to you?" Priya asked as we left the driveway.

 "Nothin jus don't feel like dressin up" I shrugged.

 "Yeah and this mood has nothing to do with that Zayn guy does it?"

 Arrgg was I that easy to read?

 "Zayn, no. How'd you even know about him?" I tried to look casually out the window even though I knew she knew me too well.

 "You've been making lunch for him remember..."

 "Oh yeah" I sighed relieved.

 "Why is there something else I should know?"

 "Nooo" I tried to sound convincing, but I looked out the window again so she wouldn't see me blush.

Zayn's POV

'And the black keys

 Never looked so beautiful

 And a perfect rainbow

 Never seemed so dull

 And the lights out

 Never had this bright a glow-'

"Mate what are ya singin?" Loueh asked walking into my bedroom.

 "It's this song that Gia sings, I con't geht it outta mah head"

 "You can't get the song out or the girl out, which is it?" he asked grinning.

 "Aw ya killin meh" I laughed.

 "So how was today?" he asked plopping himself down on my bed.

 "The best...yet"

 "Yeah what happened?"

 "Well she decided she was going to help meh clean out the shed, which is what I was doing by the way"

 "And, and, and?" he asked as if it was the greatest storeh ever. Loves to gossip does our Loueh.

 "And we had a lil chat..."

 "Alright mate just spill already!" he said getting impatient.

 "Ok Tommo chill out we just talked" I laughed.


 "And she has two sisters, Daniel is her first boyfriend, I have here cell number and her favourite colour is red"

 "You got her nomba?"

 "Yup" I said punching the fist he was holding out to me.

 "You havta call her mate" he urged and I laughed.

 "Ok Tommo, I will don't worry okeh"

 Spending a Friday night at home wasn't the best idea and I was pretty sick of it after being grounded for so long. So Loueh and I decided to take a stroll around the town. I of course promised my mom I wouldn't get into trouble.

 We were just walking by the ramps when someone called out for meh.

 "Hey Malik!"

 I looked up to see the one person you did noht wanna run into. His name's Butch oh well thahs whah people call him, though I think his real name is som'hin like Billeh.

 "Butch" Loueh said as he walked towards us.

 "You the one doin all the graffiti round here?" he asked completeleh ignoring Lou.

 "Yeah…" I nodded noht really lookin up at the big guy.

 "That's some pretty neat stuff..."

 "Thanks..." I said my eyes on my shoes which were shuffling around awkwardly.

 "You could be useful..." he said it as if he was pondering it. Was he really thinking of asking meh t join his gang? I know I act all tough and stuff, buh I'm definitely noht gang material. Loueh glanced at meh and I knew the same thoughts were running through his mind. He raised his eyebrows at me as if to ask what we should do and I just shrugged.

 "Yeah thank,s he'll think about it…"Loueh said trying t save my ass buh nearly gehting his kicked as Butch picked him op by his shirt and yelled in his face.

 "I was talking to Malik!"

 I was pretty sure he was goin t hit Loueh and I had no idea what to do when a car pulled up beside us and Butch put him down.

 "Billy!" it was a pretty girl in her earleh twenties.

 "Oh hi babe" he smiled and waved at her.

 "You think about it yeah" he said to meh and then went to talk to the girl. Loueh and I decided it was time for us to leave and quickleh started walking away, buh as we walked pass the girl's car the window in the passenger's side rolled down and out popped a familiar face.

 "Get in the back!"

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