Chapter 13 : I'll never be that girl again

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'I found out, that nothing comes without a cost' - Nick Jonas

Gia's POV

"Giashka, what is going on?"

 "Nothing mom"

 "Can't be nothing, cause that boy keeps phoning here asking for you. But you don't seem to be taking his calls"

 "We're just having a fight mum, it's nothing major"

 "Then talk to him. It's been a week since you'll went out"

 "Okeh I will, just tell him not to call on the house phone"

 "Why don't you?"

 "Ok fine I will" I sighed and got up to goh to the phone. I really didn't want to, but maybe this would get him off my back.

Zayn's POV

"You ready to goh son?" my dad asked as I got into the car.


 I didn't know if Gia was gonna be there todeh. She still hadn't come back and things were boring without her to seh the least.

 "I hope you doin your work proper yeah" my dad said snapping me outta my thoughts.

 "Yeah dad always"


 I think my dad felt more sorreh for meh than he was upset. My dad's an artist soh he kinda understands it, you know. As we got to the church we saw Priya's car pulling out of the parking lot.

 "I take it you know who thah is" my dad asked gesturing to the car. I didn't even realize I was smiling.

 "Kinda..." I mumbled.

 I could see Gia walking towards the church and apparently my dad had seen her too.

 "Is that what all the smiling's about?" he grinned.

 "Uh..." I didn't know how to answer thah, you see I've been tryna clean up my act recently and I've been making a point noht to lie to my father. I don't know whah he was thinkin, but my dad was still smilin. And instead of just parking and letting meh jomp off he drove right up to Gia and then stopped the car. Gia turned around and looked at us shocked, buh smiled when she saw me. I jumped out of the car expecting my father to drive off, buh he didn't. He got off the car too.

 "Hi" Gia smiled at meh and then looked a lil shy when she saw my dad.

 "Is thah your dad?" she whispered.

 "Yeah. Dad, this is Giashka. Gia, this is my dad" I introduced them and he shook her hand.

 "Make sure he does a good job okeh" he told Gia and she nodded. And then he turned to me.

 "Don't geht too distracted" he whispered patting meh on the back and then jomped into his car and drove off; leaving me feelin very awkward.

Gia's POV

"I met his father todeh" I mumbled noht really thinking that Priya was listening.

 "You met Zayn's DAD?"

 How did she know exactly whah I was talkin about?

 "Yup" I nodded.

 "What's he like?" she propped herself up on one arm.

 "It's weird; he's older version of Zayn, buh noht exactleh"

 "Obviously he can't be exactly like his father that would be weird"

 "Okeh you right"

 "So what has gotten into you anyway?" she asked giving meh her full attention now.


 "I dunno, last year you were this shy girl who barely spoke. And now you're like fallin in love with gangsters"

 "Priya!" I punched her in the arm, "I'm noht falling in love with him"

 "Ok whatever you seh" she laughed.

 "And he's noht a gangster okeh"

 "Yeah buh you know what I mean"

 "Yeah, and to answer your question - I don't know what's gotten into meh, buh I like it"

 "Don't tell anyone, buh I like it too" she winked and the pushed me off the bed.

 "Now get outta my room"

 I gladly obliged, buh what she'd been saying had me thinking. Was Zayn changing meh or did this start before I even met him? I didn't know the answer, but I did realize thah I was changing. And maybeh that was the reason Dane and I just didn't seem to work so well anymore. Well, even if it was, I had no intentions of going back to being quiet, shy, Gia that always keeps to herself and never lets anyone in.

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