Chapter 15 : Oops

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Zayn's POV

"What should we do, Zayn?"

 "I dunno mate. Whah do you wanna do?"

 "Skate or play football, the usual"

 "You need a girlfriend bro" I laughed.

 "Hey, so do you"

 "I'm noht the one who's bored"

 "Zayn, have you seen my leather jacket?" my sister asked walkin into my room.

 "Wa-li-yha!" Loueh teased.

 "Lewis" she smiled and nodded.

 "What brings you to these parts, love?" he asked.

 "Loueh, leave my sister alone please" I laughed.

 "Aww mate, I was just trying to make conversation. Isn't that right Waliyha?"

 "Yeah" she laughed and then to meh, "My jacket?"

 "Oh yeah check in the left cupboard"

 My little sister and I have similar jackets and it like gehts mixed op some times.

 "Oh by the way, where's Anthoneh?" I asked Tommo.

 "Uhm I dunno, should I text him to come over?" he asked taking out his phone.

 "Please don't" Waliyha mumbled from inside my wardrobe. My sisters are divided on my friends. Safaa likes Toneh and Waliyha likes Tommo. And my older sister, well she varies, depends on who I'm gettin in trouble with I guess.

 "D'you find it?" I asked goin over to help her find it.

 "Hey mate, why don't you invited Gia over" Tommo teased.

 "Loueh!" I whispered loudly gesturin to my sister.

 "Oops" Tommo held a hand over his mouth.

 "Who's Gia?" my sister asked stepping out of the closet with my jacket in her hands.

 "Nobody..." I mumbled.

 "That's my jacket" I added.

 "Oh..." she handed me the jacket and I handed hers to her.

 "She's this girl from the church" Loueh announced.

 "Loueh!" I yelled.

 "What? Your dad already knows about her" he shrugged.

 "Dad knows about her?" Waliyha asked, obviously shocked.

 "Noht really...he just kinda met her" I mumbled kinda embarrassed at the whole situation.

 "So you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell us, but dad met her?" she asked sitting down at the edge of my bed, which was also just next to Tommo's feet. Cause he was kinda sprawled out all over ma bed.

 "She's noht my girlfriend and I didn't introduce her to dad or anything like thah" I tried to clarify.

 "Yeah he just like walked up to her and he's like 'I'm Yaser'" Tommo jumped up and decided to enact the scenario for my sister's benefit. And by the time he was done she was holding her face in her hands and laughing.

 "Okeh Wali, time to goh now don't tell anyone else, okeh?"

 "I won't" she promised making her way out of my room.

 "Bro thah was noht cool" I shook my head at Lou.

 "Are you kiddin? Mate that was classic!" he laughed and yeah I joined in. So my sister didn't tell anyone, buh my dad had made no such promise. And by the end of the week, my entire famileh knew about Gia, including my cousins and aunties.

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