Chapter 8 : The one that I came with

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Gia's POV

When Zayn and I got to the table Dane didn't seem too pleased.

 "Thought you'd never come" he whispered to me and I just shrugged.

 "What did you take?" he asked Zayn who was happily munching away.

 "Oh, uhm… butter chicken"

 "Is it good?"

 "Yeah really good, buh I'm just a sucker for chicken"

 I laughed at that. We'd both gone for the chicken and roti, while Dane had the roast lamb or something like that. He made me taste it and I was quite happy with my choice. The night went by pretty quickly and by the time we'd finished eating, there was only time for one last dance.

 "Dane, c'mon please" I begged, but he refused.

 "I'm too full to dance now"

 "Ok fine" I was annoyed now and he knew it. And I knew just how to get back at him.



 "Wanna dance?" I smiled and I knew he couldn't say no.

 "Buh Gia I con't dance" he mumbled as I took his hand and led him to the dance floor.

 "Neither can I" I smirked.

Zayn's POV

What was with this girl, what did she think she was doing dragging me onto the dance floor?

 "This is so crazy" I mumbled as we slowly swayed to the music.

 "Yell if I trample your toes" she laughed. Her arms were around my neck and my hands were around her waist and I realized that this was actually the first time I'd ever touched her. She seemed pretty comfortable though and I smiled at the thought of her boyfriend watching us. Yeah he's a nice guy and we get along okeh, buh you know. I think he could treat Gia a lil better.

 "Hey you okeh?" she asked.

 "Uh yeah I'm gehtin the hang of it...I think"

 "Well, just act like you're having a great time anyway. I wanna annoy Dane a lil" she laughed.

 You and I both babe. Of course I couldn't say that aloud.

 "So why'd you lie to meh?" she asked catching me off guard, but then again she always does that.

 "Lie, bout whah?" I asked shocked.

 "You said you can't dance, and that was obviously a lie cause you're about to spin me around"

 "I am?"


 I saw her eyes dart in Dane's direction and she gave a little cheeky smirk. So I did what she asked. And thank god it worked. I was afraid it was gonna go really bad and I'd embarrass myself and the girl. The song was over now and I reluctantly pulled my hands away from her.

 "Thanks for dancing with meh"

 "My pleasure" I smiled doing a lil bow kinda thing that seemed to amuse her.

 "Maybe we can dance again sometime, just for fun not to make Dane jealous or anything stupid like thah"

 "Uh yeah" I stepped away as she walked off to her boyfriend who immediateleh wrapped her in his arms as if he hadn't seen her for a while or somethin. The thing was over so I decided it was probableh time for meh t goh back home. Buh on my way to the door I saw Gia  picking op this box thah looked really like heavy and stuff so I decided to go help her. I mean whah kinda guy would I be if I didn't? Speaking of which, I looked around for Daniel buh he was nowhere to be seen.

Gia's POV

"Can I help you with that?" Zayn asked, coming up behind me and taking away the box of cutlery.

 "Thank you" I sighed relieved.

 "Okeh where does this goh?"

 "Uhm to the kitchen, you know where it is"

 "Yup" he walked off to do my job. I was staying behind to help clean up. And Dane was too, he's very helpful when it comes to stuff like this, but for some reason I couldn't see him anywhere.

 "Need a hand with anything else?" Zayn was back again, pretty quickly.

 "Uhm noht specifically but..."

 "Ok I'll go stack some tables or somethin" he smiled and then walked off rolling up his sleeves. Why was I making him do this? He was probably tired and wanted to go home but I was asking him to do work. And I was the one who'd invited him, how rude could I be?

 "Gia" I heard a familiar voice whisper as I felt big hands around my waist.

 "Dane where were you?" I turned around removing his hands from my waist but still holding them.

 "Outside. Listen babe we havta go, I uhm...I'm not feeling too good if you catch my meaning"

 "Was it the lamb" I asked my face showing concern but I was totally laughing inside.

 "I don't know" he wrinkled his nose in that cute way that always makes me wanna kiss him. And for a moment I forgot where we were and was about to when I saw Zayn walk pass.

 "Babe, I can't leave. Why don't you go on and I'll go home with Zayn...I know what I mean" I stammered making a complete idiot of myself.

 "Yeah" he laughed. I hadn't realized how that would sound until I'd already said it, stupid girl.

 "Are you sure?" he asked obviously waying it over in his mind.

 "Yeah, I'll be fine"


 "Bye babe"

 "Bye baby, I love you"

 "I ... Love... You too" I always feel a little weird to say it aloud. Not that I don't mean it or anything just that I'm really shy. So I said good bye to my boyfriend and went to ask Mr Zayn Malik if he'd walk me home.

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