Chapter 1:They call me Malik

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"Zayn get uuupp!" my little sister yelled right in my ear. I moaned and pulled the covers over my head. It was summer, so why the hell was she wakin me op before twelve.

 "Get op, get op, get op!" she started jumping on the bed.

 "Can you just shut op!"

 "No, mom says you're gonna be late"

 Late for what? And then it dawned on meh, it was my first day of community service. And if I didn't geht there on time I could risk gettin more hours. I jumped outta bed and kissed my surprised sister on the cheek.

 "Mornin babes" I ran into the bathroom t take a shower and was ready within half an hour.

"You ready for the first day sunshine?" my mom asked handing me my lunch.

 "As ready as I'll ever be"

 "Ah I'm sure it won't be soh bad"

 "Oh no it's gonna be torture" my older sister teased.

 "Doniya!" my mom chastised.

 "Go on now and have a good day" mum said turnin back t meh.

 "I'll try" I kissed her on the cheek and then went to the car where my dad was waiting.

 The ride to the church seemed really long and my dad and I just sat in silence. I guess there was something about his son having to spend his summer doin community service at a church that didn't sit too well with him. Well, we eventually got to the church and I took a deep breath. I hoped they didn't make me polish the pews o'somethin.

 "Stay outta trouble" my dad warned, before drivin away and I decided t take his words t heart.

 The day didn't go too bad all things considered. Turns out the church needed painting and that was goin t be my project. I kept to myself and did my work and at around three o'clock in the afternoon the minister called meh.

 "Good work son, why don't ya call it a day?"

 "Thank ya" I said gettin my things and walkin away.

 "Oh Zayn!"

 "Yeah" I turned around to see whah he wanted.

 "I won't be here tomorrow but I'll have someone else t check on you, yeah?"

 "Alright Reverend"


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