Chapter 26 : I wanna be last

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Gia's POV

'I've been roaming around

Always looking down and all I see

Painted faces fill the spaces I can't reach

You know that I could use somebody'

I was just sitting in my room and practicing on my keyboard. It was just Priya and I home alone so I could play whatever I wanted really.

'Someone like you with all you know

And how you speak

Countless lovers

Undercover on the street

You know that I could use-'

"Giaaa!" I was startled by someone barging into my room and yelling my name, I actually jumped out of my seat.


"Sorry for giving you a scare"

"It's okay"

"What ya playin?"

"Use some body" I said tugging at my shorts cause they were kinda short, but he didn't seem to notice.

"I love that song, c'mon play some for me" he urged.

"Okay, but you sing"

"What makes you think I sing?"

"I dunno you just have that look about you" I teased.

"Do I?"

"No, Priya told me"

"Of course"

I played a little for him, but I was too shy to sing until he started singing. We'd just finished the chorus when we heard Priya.

"Louis?!" she was calling out from downstairs.

"Oh Gia are ya ready?" he suddenly asked.

"What for?" I asked surprised.

"To go, you look ready c'mon" he took my wrist and attempted to lead me out of my room.

"Loueh, look at meh I con't goh like this" I said gesturing to my apparel.

"Why not, you look fine"

"Thanks Tommo, but I've gotta change gimme two minutes"

"Ok love, take your time. I'm gonna go see what your sister wants, hopefully its help getting dressed" he winked and I had to laugh. I didn't know what to wear cause I had no idea where we were going. I settled on a pair of dark blue skinnies that were ripped, a plain white-t, leather jacket and black ankle boots. I was ready within like ten minutes when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"It's safe" I called out assuming it was probably Priya coming to borrow something. The door slowly creaked open and in the doorway stood my gorgeous boyfriend who I hadn't seen in two whole weeks.

"Zayn what are ya doin here?" I asked smiling at him in the mirror.

"Loueh just fetched meh"

Wow that was awfully quick for Louis given the very low speeds he drives at.

"Well come here then"

He was standing at the door cause I hadn't invited him in. I mean how much more chivalrous does it get. He came and stood behind me while I put on my earrings.

"These ok?" I asked his opinion.

"Obviousleh Giashka" he over emphasized.

"I missed you" I got up and wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you too" he kissed the top of my head.

"Hey c'mon you two lovebirds" Loueh said walkin in on us.

We got into the car and were already on our way when I found out where we were going.

"Karen's Café" was what Priya said. And Zayn looked at me for an explanation.

Zayn's POV

"Karen's Café is from my favourite tv series and now they've made a replica of it" Priya explained for ma benefit.

"So you guys were in such a hurry just to goh to a café?" Gia asked.

"its two hours away and tonight's open mic" Priya explained.

"So this is gonna be just like we're on the set of One Tree Hill?" Gia asked suddenleh gehtin excited.

"Pretty much, but this is actually real" Priya nodded.

"Cool" Gia was happeh. The open mic thing gave me an idea, buh there was no way I could go through with it. Buh watching Gia the whole way I just couldn't push it aside. Soh when we got to the place the girls went inside and I had a chat with Tommo outside.

"Soh you think I should do it?"

"Yeah mate, she'd love it"

"Buh whah if I like mess up or somethin?"

"You won't and if you do I've got your back"

"You sure?"

"Yeah man always"

"Okeh let's see how it goes" that was the last thing I said before walking into Karen(whoever that is)'s café. Gia was taking in the surroundings and I slipped my hand in hers giving her quite a shock. She quickly pulled her hand aweh, buh then looked up and saw meh and placed her hand back in mine. I squeezed her hand and she started blushing.

"What do you think of the place?" she asked.

"Pretty cool, buh I haven't watched the program so..."

"Yeah I'm gonna get the whole thing and make you watch it with me okeh"

"Should I be scared?"

"Of spending more time with me? Definitely" she smirked and it was pretty hot.

Gia's POV

The café happened to make a pretty good cannelloni and we all ended up eating that while we watched the live performances. The stage is not much of a stage just like it was in One Tree Hill; buh performing there would still take a lot of courage. I for one would never even think of it. Zayn was cool for the most part, buh as we were eating he seemed kinda detached.

"You ok babe?" I whispered.

"Yeah" he kissed me on the cheek and smiled sweetly. After we ate we decided to just watch the performances for a bit before we left, I mean what was the point of coming all the way if we didn't? Some of the people were really talented and Tommo and Priya even started dancing to one of the ballads. It was really cute to see and I expected Zayn to ask me to dance, buh he didn't. His mind seemed to be some place really far away. Well, I didn't really feel like dancing anyway. Priya was so happy and I was so happy for her. I mean I've never actually seen her so into someone before and I made a mental note to tease her about it later on. The last performer finished and then it was left up to anyone. There didn't seem to be any volunteers and I was about to suggest we leave when I noticed Louis talking to the guy that was in charge of the sound. Wow so Tommo was going to sing, this was great. But it wasn't Louis that went up on the stage, it was Zayn! Yeah, the same guy that had been standing next to me a minute ago. There was a keyboard set up and he went right to it looking very pale. The poor guy was so nervous I was afraid he'd start crying. But then he found his voice and what he said had me holding my hand over my mouth.

"Okeh I'm probableh gonna forget the words or mess up the chords...buh this is for ma girlfriend Giashka. I love you babe"

Had he really just said that? I looked at him and he was looking right at me with a shy smile. And then he started playing the only song he knew how to play and I wasn't the one who'd taught it to him.

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