Chapter 3:I hope it's gonna make you notice

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Gia's POV

'Heart beats fast

 Colours and promises

 How to be brave

 How can I love when I'm afraid'

I was just working out the chords for the first verse when I heard a car pull into the drive way of the church. I looked at the time and realized it was nine o'clock. He was one hour late.

 "Morning" he walked in all smiles in an old t-shirt and jeans.

 "You're late" I didn't mean to sound snappy, but I did.

 "Uh sorreh..."

 He didn't sound sorry.

 "Well, more hours for you" I said and just went on with my piano playing.

 "I'll work an extra hour, please don't tell the pastor" he begged and I barely managed not to crack up.

 "Chill I'm just messin with you" I looked up and he seemed relieved.


 "Well, you better get started cause you'll still havta do the extra hour"

 "Yeah okeh"

 He started walking to the store room where the paint was and I smiled to myself. He was so shy it was cute.

 "Oh and Zayn?"

 "Yeah?" he turned around.

 "You still havta sing for me..."

 "We'll see" he smirked.

Zayn's POV

Wait, was she playing games with me? I mean first she's all snappy and stuff as if I'm a hired hand, and then it's as if she suddenly remembered who I was. She's weird, oh well maybeh it's thah time of the month or somethin. I did my work for like two hours until I needed to take a wee. When I got back I found her sitting on the front steps beside my ladder and paint can.

 "its lunch time" she smiled and handed a brown paper bag as I sat down beside her. I looked and saw what looked like a homemade pie with a Z of pastry on top.

 "Whah's in it?" I asked prayin it wasn't pork.

 "Chicken, is that okeh?"

 "Yeah, thank you"

 She just shrugged and took a bite of her pie. We sat in silence for few minutes as we ate.

 " made this?" I asked squashing op the paper and reachin for the Pepsi she was handing meh.


 "It's good"


 Ok why was it suddenly so hard to talk to her?

 "You're welcome to sing to meh anytime now" she said looking meh right in the eyes.

 "Uhm noht todeh"

 "Ok whatever" she seemed annoyed as she goht op and walked away. So now I was annoyed at her and myself. I mean why had she made me lunch? And why had she been so snappy? And why oh why couldn't I just sing for her already.

 I did my work quietly and by the end of the day I had completed the outside of the church. It wasn't that big so just three days of extreme exposure to the sun was all I'd have to bare. I was just packing up my things when a car pulled into the driveway. It was a silver S3 and the driver looked a year or two older than us. Gia wasn't coming out to see who it was so I decided to go over and see what the lad wanted.


 "Hey man"

 "Can I help you with something?" I said politely but he didn't seem too impressed.

 "Yeah, is Gia here?"

 "Yeah, you want meh to geht her for ya?"

 "No thanks I'll go in"


 I didn't know who this guy was, but I wasn't gonna jus leave him alone with Gia. Noht thah he looked suspicious or anything, buh ya know.

 "Gia there's some guy here to see you" I said going into the church to give her a heads up.

'And we'll trade our tears for hallelujah'

She was singing again. Was thah the onleh thing this girl ever did?

 "Who is it?" she asked obviousleh noht expecting any visitors.

 "Me" the guy gave a cheesy smile as he stepped into the sanctuary.

 "Dane, hi" she jumped up and ran into his arms leaving me feelin very awkward. He tried to kiss her, buh she pulled away.

 "Babe, not in the church" she squealed. It was weird, yesterday she seemed so mysterious and fascinating and now with this guy....she was just a girl.

Gia's POV

"Baby this is Zayn"

 "Zayn this is my boyfriend-"

 "Dane" he finished for me.

 They exchanged handshakes and pleasantries and they seemed to get along pretty well, but I just couldn't shake off the feeling of awkwardness.

 "Uhm I better goh now, see ya tomorrow Gia" Zayn smiled and then left me alone with Dane.

 "Nice guy"


 Ok that was officially weird. And the worst part is that I knew exactly why. It's like that weird feeling you get when you see your crush talking to your parents and you can't for the life of you imagine what they could be talking about. And you feel out of place when you're actually the common denominator.

Zayn's POV

"So did you get her number?" I was barely through the door when Loueh started asking questions soh fast I could bareleh keep op.

 "Did you ask her out? Did she say yes? Or does she have a boyfriend?"

 "No, no, no, and yes"

 "Wait she has a boyfriend?"


 "She told you that?"

 "No she introduced meh to him"

 "She what?!" Loueh was being dramatic as usual and I hadta laugh.

 "He's actually quite nice" I said and Lou just stared at meh as if I'd lost my mind or som'hin.

 "Bro, he's the opposition"

 "Noh, exactleh" I chuckled opening the fridge to look for something to eat.

 "Where's my mum by the way?"

 "Oh she's at the store"

 "Then who let you in?"

 "Oh your little sister she's in the dining room" I looked over and saw my sister sitting at the table doing her homework. She looked up at me and smiled. Oh shit, she'd been sitting there the whole time and had probably been listening to our conversation. Ok its official I am a complete dork. And I'm noht even jokin.

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