Chapter 28:They don't know about us

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Gia's POV

"Okay Lauren, we've gotta be done now"

 "Why? You could stay for dinner and we could get pizza and watch movies"

 "Yeah thanks, but I have to go. I have church tonight and I wanna see my boyfriend after that, it was his last day of community service"

 "Oh yeah you still with that bad boy?"

 Lauren was actually my friend from school, but we weren't that close really. We just hung out at school and she told me her life story and I just listened. We had been studying together, which is why I was at her house, buh it was definitely time to leave.

 "He's not a bad boy and his name is Zayn" I laughed.

 "Well then you should introduce him to me and let me be the judge"

 "Yeah maybe..."

 "Oh do you have a picture together? I wanna see if you make a cute couple"

 "Here" I unlocked my phone and showed her the picture of us that I had as my wallpaper.

 "Aww he's gorgeous, you two make a stunning couple"

 "Thanks Lauren now I better go if I wanna keep that gorgeous boyfriend"

 "Ok see ya tomorrow"


 The plan was that Priya and I would use her car to church since she was always late and my dad couldn't handle it. And then on our way back from church we would quickly stop at the ramps to meet the lads. But when I got home there was another surprise awaiting meh. I just walked in and Zayn was sitting on the sofa and watchin TV. The food network was on so I assumed my mother had been there. Louis' car was in the yard so I knew Priya was home cause they travel together, buh I didn't expect Zayn to be here. Either way, I was happy to see him and he stood up to give me a hug, a very brave move I might add.

 "Hey you" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then reluctantly let go off me.

 "Soh is this the time you geht home from school?" he teased.

 "Oh this is earleh" I smirked.

 "Soh I am recently a free man"

 "Oh yeah how did the last day goh?" I asked excitedly.

 "Great, I barely did aneh thin to be honest"

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