Chapter 55:Follow My Lead

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A/N: This is a special tribute for Zayn's Birthday, so Hapy Birthday Zayn. And I hope you guys are enjoying the double update. Sorry for not updating in a while, its just that the story has ended up a little longer than planned. But hey more Zia so I'm Happy ;) xx

Zayn's POV


Okay now what? I had it all planned out in my head buh writin it was difficult man. Ah didn't knoh like where to begin n stoff. I'm noht the most romantic guy by any means and as good as this idea was it was a foreign concept to meh. Ah tried to think about how far I wanted to go with the clues and decided that four would be sufficient. The house was big enough for her to be following clues all night. And I didn't know how Anthoneh could even afford to be related to these people. Okeh so if the first clue was going to be in the book where could ah hide the second one? Well once she was done with the tea what would she do with the mug? So I decided to mehk it easier for her and give the clue to thah butler person. He would go with a trey to fetch her cup and in the trey would be an envelope marked 2. Okeh soh ah had to mehk it a lil fun and also cheesy and ironic. I biht on mah pencil until it came to meh.

'So you love your tea and you love your style, I love them too, but more so your smile. If you care to play along follow the clues, you'll find me at the end depending what you choose.'

I had to add that last biht just in case she wasn't in the mood for playin games. Now I had to give an actual clue, ah didn't have to rhyme thah as well did I?

'The place we first met, man I never thought that getting into trouble could be so rewarding.

Gia's POV

And I still don't know how I managed to play my cards right and win you over'

Really Zayn? I preferred the rhyming thing alot better ah mean at least I could understand that, buh whah kinda clue was this? I read it again and goht even more confused. Was the clue in the place we met or the card reference? I decided to look around and see if I could come up with anything. The place we first met-that was a church there was nothing around here that was churchy. And then I saw it, a cross on the far side wall of the first lounge we'd walked into. I pushed through the people trying to mehk mah wey to the cross, buh it was up on the wall, there was no way ah could reach it. Soh I read the clue again.

"Heyy sexy, you wanna play?" I looked up a lil surprised thah someone was speaking to me and especially referring to me in thah manner.

"Yeah I'm talking to you sexy lady, wanna play?" I wanted to tell him off buh then ah looked up at the cross and then back at the guy and whah he was offering and decided to give him a break.

"Yeah okeh, buh quit calling meh sexeh"

"No problem gorgeous" I gritted mah teeth and took a seat on the floor as he began dishing out cards to me and four other people, three girls and a guy. I didn't know how to play poker soh ah was hoping thah mehbe I'd get the clue predy soon.

"Hey, you're on my team" the other guy called meh out.

"Oh I uh ah don't uhm realleh like knoh how to pleh or anehthin" I scratched the back of my neck feeling rather uncomfortable.

"Then why'd you join?"

"Its kind of hard to explain"

"Uhm alright, you got a name?"


"Oh hi Gia" he smiled and I decided thah he wasn't all that bad.

"Soh do you knoh where the clue is?"

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