Chapter 14:Now I'm asking you to stay

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Daniel's POV

'Little one, lie with me

 Sew your heart to my sleeve

 We'll lay quiet underneath

 Shooting stars if it helps you sleep'

I had just turned on my radio in my room and 'Fireflies' was the first song that started playing. Gia was probably listening to the Ed Sheeran CD I'd bought for her birthday.

'Hold me tight don't let me breathe

 Feeling like you won't believe'

Initially I didn't think that much of the guy, but Gia has like a mild obsession with him. Anyway I ended up listening to his music just cause she was. And well you could call me a fan. Ok fine Ed Sheeran is an absolute legend, just to borrow Gia's terminology.

'There's a firefly on the loose tonight

 I better catch it before it burns this place down

 And I lie if I

 Don't feel so right

 But the world looks better through your eyes'

I was starting to miss her more and more and I didn't understand why she was shutting me out. I'd tried calling her every day, but she refused to talk to me except to tell me to stop calling. I decided I was gonna do the best thing I could. I was gonna apologize. I texted her saying I was really sorry and that I wanted to see her. And if we still had a chance, that she would call me within the next two hours. Well it had been almost two hours. And I was actually watching the minutes tick by. It was just gone two hours when I heard my phone ringing and Gia's favourite song playing. Ah leave it to her to leave it for the last minute.

 "Hi" I picked up.

 "Hey babe"

 "Thanks for callin" I sighed.

 "Why wouldn't I?" she laughed. Man it was so good to hear her laugh. The last time I had she was laughing at Zayn. Wow just the thought of him was starting to make my skin crawl.

 "I dunno I thought you hated me"

 "Oh yeah I still do, always" she teased.

 "Hey you wanna come over?" I knew I was taking a risk but I had to just put it out there.

 "Yeah...uhm Priya's going to the mall in a bit. I'll ask her to drop me off okeh"

 "I'll see you then"

 " you"

 Wow she was actually saying it first.

 "I love you too babe"

Gia's POV

I got to Dane's house at like half an hour after we'd spoken on the phone. I'd decided that this was gonna be the 'last ditch attempt'. If this didn't goh well then we were done, for good. I didn't tell Dane of course, that would be just too much of pressure. I didn't want it to be forced or anything. We were just sitting on the bed and chatting about stuff, just chilling. But then he asked a question and it goht serious.

 "Okay G, I havta ask..."


 "About Zayn...?"

 "Whah about him?" I asked even though I knew what he was asking.

 "What's the deal with him...what's the deal with you guys?"

 I took a minute to answer, and when I did I shuffled around with the bed spread instead of looking him in the eyes.

 "I dunno really, he's a nice guy, but at this stage we're just friends. Nothing more, I promise" I looked up at him as I said the last words.

 "Would you tell me if things changed?" he asked simply.

 "I would" I nodded and I really meant it.

 "So we're still good?"

 "Yup" I leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek, but before I could he took my face in his hands and kissed me hard. When we pulled away I realized that we hadn't kissed in a while, well not really anyway. He leaned in for a second kiss and this time it was a lot longer. In fact it was beginning to scare meh. There was a certain desperation in his kiss that wasn't there before. He felt like I was slipping away, buh I wasn't...was I? I pulled away out of breath. He got up, walked to the door, shut it, and then locked it.

 "What are you doin?" I asked even though I had a pretty good idea. He didn't say anything; he just smiled and came to sit down beside me at the end of the bed.

 "Gia...I know we said we'd wait, but..." he trailed off leaving meh to fill the blanks I did not want to fill.

 "Dane we con't, you know thah" I reminded him. He looked at meh and I knew he realised what I was saying made sense, but a part of him didn't want to hear it. So I took his face in my hands and made sure I had his full attention.

 "Baby, I'm noht goin anywhere, okeh?" I kissed him softly.

 "I love you" he mouthed.

 "I love you too" I kissed him again.

 "One more question" he held up a finger in front of my face.


 "What's with the new hair? Is there a new Gia I don't know about?" he teased.

 "I don't know to be honest; I think it looks alright like this. You think I should cut it?"

 My hair had grown out quite a bit, which was odd for meh cause I like to keep it short. I'm a little bit of a punk in my own way. My parents won't allow meh to colour it, so I do what I can.

 "No it looks great, it's just that you've always had short hair"

 "Well maybeh I wanna try somethin new"

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