Chapter 5 : I can't escape this time

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Louis' POV

So there we were just minding our own business when this girl pops her head out the window and tells uz to get into the car. And to my amazement Zayn does exactly that.

 "Bro, do you know her?" I asked as I slid into the backseat.

 "Loueh this is Gia, Gia this is my mate Loueh" he smiled and introduced us. This was Gia? Not exactly what I was expecting. Firstly, she wasn't like any of the other girls he'd dated before. And secondly, she seemed to be quite edgy for a 'church girl'.

 "What are you doin here?" she asked Zayn an upset look on her face.

 "I should be asking you thah" he laughed but she didn't seem to be amused.

 "You're luckeh my sister saved your butt"

 "Hey are ya even allowed to seh thah?" Zayn teased and I was pretty sure she was trying really hard to hide a smile.

 "Oh shut op Zayn!" she made a funny face.

 "Are you ok?" she asked turning to me for the first time.

 "Just fine love, thanks for asking"

 "Gi- Oh...Hi" her sister said as she jumped into the driver's seat and then saw Zayn and I.

 "Priya this is Zayn and...Louis?" she looked at me to clarify and I nodded.

 "Ah so this is the famous Zayn" she laughed and Gia squirmed in her seat.

 "Hi" Zayn smiled.

 "Okay, do you guys need a ride home?"

 "Uhh..." I didn't know what to say. I would rather walk but well Zayn didn't seem to be moving.

 "Ok but you'll havta gimme directions" she said starting up the car. Ok I should probably let you know that Gia's sister is FIT. She's taller with a better figure and better features, which says something cause Gia's actually very pretty. Oh and she has long silky straight black hair which smelled pretty good I might add.

 "Lou" Zayn nudged me to say something to fill the awkward silence. He always does that, but what can I say I'm a chatty guy.

 "So…uhh...Priya how do ya know Butch?" Zayn looked at me and shook his head. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything but that is the question that’s been weighing on everyone's mind. Even yours if you're honest.

 "Billy and I are friends from school believe it or noht" she laughed looking at Zayn in the rear-view mirror.

Zayn's POV

Gia's sister is friends with the biggest gangster in Bradford? Ok now my head was spinning. But I didn't have time to think about it cause I happened to notice that miss Giashka in the front seat looked a lil under the weather.

 "Hey" I whispered as I quickly touched her arm and then slid back in my seat. She turned around and looked at meh and she seemed kinda upset.

 "Whahs wrong?" I asking buh she just shook her head.


 She reached over and turned the radio on and it so happened that radio one were playing one of my favourites.

 "Sing" she challenged and Loueh looked at meh amused to see whah I would do.

 "Ok buh if I do you havta"

 "Ok whatever" she said wrinkling her nose. I knew she probably wouldn't.

'Baby you should let me love you

 Let me be the one to

 Give you everything you want and need

 Baby good love and protection

 Make me your selection

 Show you the way love's supposed to be

 Baby you should let me love you'

"Whoohoo Zayn!" Gia and Loueh started cheering and I goht kinda shy.

 "Well done mate!" Loueh said shaking my hand.

 "Ok G you and your friends are crazy" Priya laughed.

 "Oh don't throw me in with them love" Loueh teased. Is it just meh or does he kinda like Gia's sister?

Gia's POV

We dropped Zayn and Louis off at Zayn's house and then we drove home in silence. When we got home I went straight to my room and shut the door. I heard a soft knock a few minutes later and I opened the door for Priya.

 "So..." she took a seat on my bed in her pink flannel pyjamas.

 "So what?" I asked as if I didn't know.

 "He's cute"

 "Cute, really? Dane is cute"

 "Ok Gorgeous" she laughed and I nodded.

 "Hey don't get all blushy" she poked me in the arm which resulted in meh blushing even more.

 "I have a boyfriend you know" I said more to myself than to her.

 "" she said the words individually like she was processing them.

 "Zayn's just a friend" I said feelin guilty.

 "Hey its ok if you like him you know, you're only sixteen"

 "No it’s not ok Pri, I have a boyfriend I shouldn't even be looking at other guys" I was getting louder now and she held a finger to her lips to tell me to keep it down.

 "Ok calm down Giashka, you'll figure it out"

 "And what if I don't?" now that was my biggest fear. I never wanted to hurt Daniel, he's a great guy and he doesn't deserve that.

 "You will"

 Well I'm glad someone had faith in me even if I didn't.

 I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

 "God, I don't know what to do"

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