Chapter 33:Hoping my love won't show

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Gia's POV

I went downstairs all cheery, cause I'd had a good rest and I could smell bacon frying. My mom was gonna give us a treat since they've been away. So I walked into the kitchen all smiles.

"Morning mom" I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Morning Giashka, your father wants to speak to you" she said her face a blank.

"What about?"

"Your boyfriend"

"My what?"

"That boy you've been bringing home"

"Mom what are you-"

"Giashka?" my dad walked into the kitchen.

"Yes dad"

"Who is Zayn?"

"He's Louis' friend that he brings here all the time" I shrugged trying to act calm even though I was completely freaking out inside.

"Yes and how long have you been seeing him?"

"Dad what-"

"Don't lie to me!"

"A little while" I sighed giving in.

"And you are aware of the fact that he and his entire family are Muslims?"

"Yes dad" I hung my head not wanting to meet his fiery stare.

"Selvi, you know who he is?" he turned to my mom now.

"Who?" my mom looked at me and then at my dad.

"He's Yaser Malik's son, the same boy that got arrested and then had to do community service at our church"

"Oh really?" my mom looked at me, but I kept my head down.

"Yes and that's why Gia spent her summer at the church! Not because she wanted to serve God, but because that boy was there"

"That's not true" I shook my head at my dad. Tears were welling up in my eyes and I fought hard to keep them at bay.

"Okay prove me wrong"

"I signed up to volunteer at the church long before I even met Zayn and I was still with Daniel at that time. So there is no way you can say I volunteered because of Zayn, cause that just isn't true"

"Okay, but the point is you know what he is, but you still insist on going out with him!"

"And what is he?" the tears were streaming down my face now, but I tried to keep myself together.

"A criminal" my dad spat and it felt like a stab.

"He's not a criminal

"Giashka, he has a criminal record. And he is notorious around here for vandalism"

"Dad you don't understand"

"Yeah what I don't understand is how you could be seeing this Muslim boy and even bring him here right under our noses!" he was getting really loud now.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"You better be! And to prove that you are, you WILL end things with him!"

"Dad please...." I begged.

"That boy is not allowed in this house! Am I clear?!"

"Crystal" I spat and then made my way to my room where I'd no doubt be spending the rest of my life.

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