Junhui | Hypomagnesemia

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The dim lights of the practice room flickered as the members of Seventeen gathered after a long day of rehearsals. Jun leaned against the wall, wiping sweat from his forehead. He felt the familiar fatigue creeping in, but he pushed it aside.

"Hey, Jun," Woozi said, breaking the silence. "You okay? You look a bit pale."

Jun shrugged, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Just tired from the schedules."

Hoshi, who had been stretching nearby, perked up. "Tired? Or overworked? You've been bouncing between South Korea and China like a ping pong ball."

Jun chuckled lightly, but there was an edge of discomfort in his voice. "I can handle it. I've got this."

The others exchanged worried glances. Joshua stepped forward, concern evident in his eyes. "Jun, it's okay to take a break. We want you to be healthy, not just for your solo stuff but for us too."

"I know, but..." Jun hesitated, glancing down. "I don't want to be a burden. You guys are working hard, and I don't want to hold anyone back."

Dino chimed in, his youthful sincerity shining through. "But hyung if you're not feeling well, you're not going to be able to give your best, right? We need you at 100%!"

"Exactly!" Hoshi added. "We're a team. We support each other. You taking a rest doesn't mean you're a burden; it means you care about the group."

Jun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I appreciate it, but I really don't want to let anyone down. I'll be fine. Just a little more rest, and I'll be good to go."

"Hyung," Vernon interjected, stepping closer with a serious look. "What if you push yourself too hard and end up getting really sick? We can't have you out for weeks because you didn't listen to us."

"Yeah," Mingyu nodded. "We'd rather have you resting now than worrying about you later. We can manage without you for a bit."

The tension in the room hung heavy as Jun felt their concern wash over him. He took a deep breath, his resolve wavering. "I just... I don't want to let you down."

"Jun," Wonwoo said softly, "letting us down would be ignoring your health. We want you to be happy and healthy. That's what matters most to us."

As silence enveloped the group, Jun's heart sank. He looked around at his members-his family-and felt the weight of their worry pressing down on him. "Okay... maybe I'll consider it," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Good," Joshua said with a small smile. "Just promise us you'll think about it."

"I promise," Jun replied, though uncertainty lingered in his mind. The back-and-forth of his life was taking its toll, and he wasn't sure how long he could keep up the façade of strength.

The next day, Jun arrived at the dance studio with a little more energy. He stretched alongside his members, pushing aside the remnants of fatigue that clung to him.

"Feeling better?" Hoshi asked, noticing the slight bounce in Jun's step.

"Yeah, a bit," Jun replied, forcing a smile. "I think I just needed a good night's sleep."

As practice began, the room filled with music and synchronized movements. Jun poured himself into the routine, determined to keep up with the others. However, as the minutes ticked by, he could feel his energy waning.

"Alright, let's take it from the top!" Seungcheol called out, and the group resumed their choreography. Jun danced along, but he could feel his limbs growing heavier. Each move became a struggle, and he found himself falling behind the beat.

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