We Create Our Own Realities

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"Ugh, why don't you just go die or something?" "You could've done better," and "it was just a joke?" the previous comments swirled inside your head as you sat at your desk, in the class room. It was just not your day. In fact it had been "not your day," for far too many days. Everything everyone said about you weighed you down like chains. Still, you carried them with a smile on your face. Hiding it. No one would notice your hurting soul except him.

He, was an elf nonetheless. A character you had picked up from a movie. You felt more connected to the movie than you did with real people. If you lived in the land they called Middle Earth, you would finally belong. Seeing to it that, that wasn't reality, you'd be damned if you couldn't do something to make yourself feel like you belonged. Thus, you created him, Legolas Greenleaf.

   He was an inspiration to you from the start. In gym class he would run beside you, keep you going, and give you advise. Overall, he was a true friend. He was there when you needed him unlike the real people. When his time was up, he would disappear into thin air, until you needed him again.

Freshman year of high school wasn't how you expected it to be. Your twin sister and you were separated this year. That was a first in a long time. Your sister and you were joined at the hip, you still had lunch together, but that didn't stop the loneliness from creeping up on you, everywhere you went. Things changed when you had him. Although, sometimes he wasn't even to help you escape the loneliness you had from time to time.

This was one of those times. As you sat there thinking about what the others said, the chains seemed to get heavier and heavier. A lump began to grow in your throat. You needed out of there, before you broke in front of everyone. You stood up and asked the teacher if you could use the restroom, trying not to let your voice break, and without eye contact. You were thankful when she let you go.

Walking out the door, hot tears picking at your eyes. You didn't need to look back to know that he had appeared to follow you. He followed you into the girls bathroom. No one would come in at this time, and if they did they wouldn't be able to see him anyway.

"I-I can't do this Legolas!" You sobbed wiping your eyes. You were breaking.

"Oh course you can Y/N, you are so strong," He encouraged you. You looked up to meet his eyes. His face slightly mirrored your own. You could tell that it hurt him to see you like this. He reached out and cupped your face with his right hand. All you felt was a cool breeze where his hand should be.

"Do not listen to them Y/N they do not know what you have been though, " he said looking into your eyes. That did it, the dam that held back the tears and your emotions, finally broke.

"That's a lot harder than it seems, Legolas! How can I simply not listen? I can't exactly stop my ears from hearing," you cried out.

"Maybe," was all he said. He tried to wipe your tears away, to no avail. It was the thought that counts, you guessed.

"If this is a game of life, does that mean somebody losses? Am I that somebody?" You shoulders shook as you cried. You weren't even sure he heard you through the shakes. You looked down at the floor, as if it carried anything more interesting.

"No Y/N. At least I imagine so. If it is a game, why not restart it?" He asked.

"What if...what if I can't pick up the pieces?" your words split as you sobbed. You felt Legolas' cool breeze shift, so you looked up to him. One of his arms was placed on your shoulder, the other, held your chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"Then perhaps, it is time to pick a different puzzle," his deep words filled you mind, briefly stopping your crying.

"Maybe, " you said his own word back to him. He gave an uplifting smile in return. He dropped his hands and stood back to look at you. You wiped your tears and your eyes were dry for the moment, just red. They whitened as time went one.

He held his hand out to you. Knowing you wouldn't even feel him there, you took it gratefully. Looking up at him, he smiled.

"Don't leave me," you said to him, your eyes on the verge of tears again.

"never," he stated, and you could tell he meant it.

You gave a little chuckle, "Your not even real," you said while slightly tilting you head at him-a sheepish smile on your face. You felt the breeze where his hand was moving, you looked down to see what he was doing, or wanted you to do. He was tilting your hand so your palm faced up. You looked at him, eyebrows furrowing.

"You tell me," he firmly said, with a smile. You felt his breeze trying to close your hand, so you obliged. Your eyes never left his. You watched him vanish before your eyes. You looked down to your clenched fist. There was now a small amount of weight in it. You slowly opened it. You let out a shocked gasp at your find.

Now sitting in your hand was the a small metal green leaf, and into it was woven silver.

It was the pendant Legolas often wore, only now it was solidified and real in your hand.

But it couldn't be real....could it?

Legolas x Reader: Master PostWhere stories live. Discover now