Crying in Front of Legolas Headcanons

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Not race specific.

  • The loss of Gandalf hit everyone differently. Most stopped in their tracks having escaped the mines, and succumbed to the the heartbreak. Frodo, had even started to walk off partially blaming himself for Gandalf's death. It hurt even more that you weren't given the chance to grieve properly.

• You had known Gandalf for a long time as he would often visit your homeland to dine, see existing friends, make new friends, and show off his fireworks. He had taken a particular liking to you and cared for you like the little sister he never had. Seeing your longtime friend willingly fall like was soul crushing.

• It wasn't until night fall that you finally had a moment to yourself. You'd snuck away from the group to let the tears fall. You tried to be somewhat quiet about it, didn't need your travel companions worrying or some wild beast to mistake you for dinner.

• That's where Legolas found you. If at all possible, his heart shattered more. You and Legolas weren't an established couple but he was very taken with you from the moment you met. Everyone saw it, there's was no denying that but no one said anything about it either.

• He contemplated between giving you space and offering his shoulder to cry on. The loss for him was also heavy as he had met the wizard time and time again in the past. Eventually, Gandalf became a dear friend to the elf.

• Not being able to stand seeing you look so upset he made his presence known.

•which scared you at first, he could've been an or not a wild creature. He apologizes and sit beside you.

• He starts the conversation by retelling all the times he'd met Gandalf before and elaborated on just how good of a wizard he was.

• More tears roll down your cheek as a result, of course.

• Legolas is gentle and wipes your tears.

• He speaks so softly as if too loud a noise could shatter you to a million pieces.

• He didn't make you feel uncomfortable or ashamed to cry, he was shedding a few of his own tears. You felt comfortable enough to rest your head on his shoulder. Sleep found it's way to you very quickly. And Legolas wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

• when you woke, he was there with breakfast; tending to your every need—ignoring his own heartache for his fallen friend.

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