In the Name of Love

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Requested by Anon: I really really like ur fics, can I request a Legolas x elf reader? Maybe Legolas and the reader is really in love with each other but they haven't confessed yet (god knows why), but Legolas gets jelly bc the reader is rather close to Merry and Pippin (as best friends) But Legolas thinks otherwise and decides to kind of kidnap her (romantically) and maybe lil smut if ya know what I mean *wink wink*

Words: 1,534


Notes: Smut is open for the first time on my tumblr blog ya' should all be very happy.

+ I think i spelled the Vallor or Valor or Valar wrong every single time in this...oops


He ran a gentle yet warm hand down your face," you know there is nothing I wouldn't do for you," his silk-like voice stated.

You knew this of course, you had always known. A half smile graced your lips," what if I were an orc? Would you still love me?" You playfully joked with him. The entire subject of love made the blonde elf freeze up, as his cheeks flushed. Neither of you had confessed your feelings, but there was undoubtedly, something there.

"Y-you would be the most beautiful off I'd ever seen!" Legolas decided.

"That's not too awful of an answer, but I'll take it," you giggled at him," you take care of yourself, alright Legolas?"

"You sound somber, you speak as if you are leaving," now it was Legolas' turn to sound upset.

You sadly nodded," I leave for Hobbiton at first light. Ever since the ring was destroyed, I've longed to see my friends once more. I promise I will return to you Legolas, it is just for a months time," you explained honestly. Something in Legolas' eye grew dark, but you quickly pushed that thought away because this elf was never the one to loath, or hate.

"And who will you be seeing?" He inquired flatly.

"Merry, Pippin, and Sam most likely. I hear Sam was given precious children that I, simply, must see for myself. I miss them Legolas," you confessed further.

Both you and Legolas continued your nightly walk throughout Rivendell. He knew this was your home and he wanted to spend time with you here. Now you were to leave him for a month for a bunch of halflings.

"But you will come back to me?" He sounded deeply sadden, yet genuine in the feelings he was sharing with me.

"I will always come back to you Legolas," I assured him.

"Then I will eagerly await your return, my lady," he smiled, but it didn't fully reach his eyes. Odd. Nevertheless I looked it over.

"Thank you," you leaned up and kissed his cheek, before heading off to bed. There was a long trip ahead of you.


Hobbiton was...full of festivities as usual. The normal cheerful vibe surrounded the place that was untrained by the world. If one thing was for sure, it is that Hobbits are relentless. No matter what comes their way, they've always got each other, and that more than any other race can say for their own kin.

Reuniting with your friends was a tearful sight. Merry had now since been married an had a son named Faramir. The naming of his son was exactly as it sounds, for Faramir The first was an undeniably honorable man.

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