The Wolf Queen Legolas x (other worldy)reader

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Summary: the reader is married to Legolas and is not from Middle-earth. She comes from an entirely different realm and one where they could call upon certain beasts. your other worldly pet just so happens to be Fenrir

words: 1647


"We will loose hundreds of lives my lord!-- if not all of our men!" An elf guard complained to Thranduil.

  Everyone was on edge as it was the eve of battle. The elves were called out into the rocky plains of Middle-Earth to meet a large orc army on their own. The battle would most likely fail; you knew this.

   Thranduil made the call to set up camp high on a rocky slope. It over looked the battlefield, where many were sure to die. It was a shame. Immortals were not meant by any circumstance to meet death. It was told in tales that, Death, had shaken hands with the the first of the elves' kin. This granted them their immortality as Death made an agreement. An agreement bound in eternity. This agreement, however, could perish. Death had his own part of the bargain kept in secret. The elves could meet Death either by the sharp end of sword, or die of a death of miserable heart ache. It was hardly fair.

"Do you not think I do not know that?  We have the number, and the skill! We can take them. You doubt my leadership?" The king threatened a guard. You looked over at Legolas with a concerned face. His expression mirrors that briefly before he took your hand in his and held onto it tightly. When Thranduil got mad, let's just say no one should be in the room, however the king was right to push on even when there's hardly any hope. It would be good for the soldiers to see.

"N-no father-- I would never!" The elf guard pleaded. The king softened his expression slightly.

"Go, I will consider your words, but do not consider me so easily swayed," he dismissed the guard and he left without another word. The king sighed heavily when he left. He looked up at his son, Legolas and you.

"At least I still have the both of you," he gave a small smile. Legolas pulled you with him as he walked up to his father.

"Is there any chance of winning this war father? Is it really doomed to fail?" Legolas looked worried. Thranduil did his best to calm his son.

"I do not know my son and it grieves me to say so," he placed a hand on both Legolas' and your shoulders," the worst thing we do is call upon the one that is your doing." Thranduil looked pointedly at you.    

You had to say, you knew what he was talking about. You didn't exactly come from this world. You have from a far off place on an entirely different planet. Your kind are rare in Middle-Earth, but they are there. You had had the fortune to meet the love of your life, Legolas and became princess of the woodland realm.

    Although, being from such a different world had its perks. You were looked at as gods where you were from. You could call upon ghastly and noble beasts alike. Some of your kin, could posses powers such as fire, water, and earth.

"I wouldn't call upon the beast, unless absolutely necessary my lord. And if I may be frank, I think this battle will take that route. We are outnumbered and the orcs grow stronger every passing minute," you reasoned and Thranduil was silent.

After a moment he spoke," then I suggest you two get some sleep. I know we elves don't need it, but when tomorrow comes you'll wish you had slept," Thranduil gave your shoulders a reassuring squeeze before turning away and walking back to his tent.

    It started out silent. There were no birds, no wind, no sound at all. It was deafening this silence. The only thing that could be heard, however, was the oncoming pound of orc feet. It was way off into the distance, if not for your attuned ears you most likely wouldn't've heard it at all.

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