One of the Fellow Legolas x (human) reader

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Summary as requested by anon:

Could you pretty please write an imagine where the reader is a human female, and for some reasons, despite not having a talent finds herself accompanying the fellowship. Along the way Legolas has fallen in love with here and he always acts sweet to her, but then he starts becoming super affectionate and he'll do things like: play with her hair. One evening as the fellowship is setting up camp by a river Legolas goes to scout and check out the area around them. While he's gone reader and Boromir start discussing his strange affectionate behavior towards reader, and Aragorn casually states something along the lines of "he's courting you" or "that's how elves court" as if it were plain as day. Then reader is super awkward around Legolas for the rest of the evening until the rest of the Fellowship is asleep and her and Legolas are by the fire, and she asks him if it's true?

Part: ¼


"Yes, but why must I come along Boromir?" You groaned to your brother beside you. Your father, Denothor, made it urgent that you leave for Rivendell, you weren't entirely sure as to why you had to come along. Maybe it was because your father didn't trust you with Faramir? Poor Faramir. Your father Had always saw him as less worthy. Why didn't Denothor treat him as an equal?!

"In all honesty, I do not know, but our father  thinks it wise to bring you along," Boromir reined his horse over a fallen tree branch. You trotted along directly behind him," he told me only few details sister, rumors of the One Ring is said to have been found, but who can say for certain? It was supposed to be a mere legend," you gasped at your brothers words.

"If that is the case, the ring must be destroyed brother!" Boromir held tight to the reins and caused the horse to stop. Why was he acting like this?
He turned to look at you behind his ginger bangs," the ring goes to Gondor, it will be safe there; it is a gift to the people!" Boromir seemed to growl.

"How can you be so certain? The legend tells of great evil, how is a 'prize' like that worthy to the race of men?" You argued staring into his eyes. You gently nudged your horse forward and onward the path," if I remember correctly, men could succumb to the power of the ring much easier. I will be keeping my eye on you Boromir– it's nothing personal".

But it was, Boromir already seems fazed enough as it is.


    A day later you had found yourself in the stunning and magical realm of Rivendell. The place was large and placed in the side of a cliff, mesmerizing waterfalls surrounded the woods of Imladris. Such a beautiful place it was indeed. The food here wasn't so bad either, the elves were charming and the birds chirped a heavenly tune as the day carried on.

   A day after arriving and having plenty of time to rest, you found yourself seated beside your brother at a council meeting. And what a strange council this was as well! Men sat beside dwarves, dwarves sat near elves (a common enemy or the dwarves, and there sat a hobbit! And Gandalf the Grey! You've ever just imagined meeting him in your dreams! 'Wonder if he'd make some fireworks?' You shook the thought away as quick as it had come. Boromir tensed up for the thousandth time today. The matters of which Lord Elrdond spoke, caused Boromir to react in odd ways. Your brother had not spoken to you much after you had had the incident on the way here. He can certainly hold a grudge.

  To get your mind off of him, you took another look at the surroundings. Again, such a beautiful place, you looked at a bird fly over head that you hadn't ever seen before! As it flew by you noticed someone staring, and elf. He was quite handsome to the eye; his gorgeous long blonde hair fell over his shoulders perfectly. With a blush you looked away from him.


"You carry the fate of us all little one," Boromir spoke to Frodo. The hobbit looked on with wide eyes. "If this is indeed the will of the council: then Gondor will see it done," finished your brother. Everyone stood before Lord Elrond, Gimli, Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, your brother, and the elf who stared, Legolas. Yet you still sat in your seat. Boromir was leaving you again? Why couldn't the others around you hear the shattering of your heart?

"Here!" Called a voice from the shrubbery. Great, so vegetation could go and not you. Your assumption had been very wrong when another hobbit hopped from the bush and stood beside Frodo. "Mister Frodo's not goin' anywhere with out me!" This hobbit seems older that Frodo. His amber hair was flame in the sunlight.

"Now indeed! It is impossible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council, and you are not," Elrond looked between the new hobbit and Frodo with a smirk. It was that easy to go on this thing?

"Wait!" Called another voice from the distance," we're coming too!" Said the gentle voice of another hobbit who ran up to Frodo. This hobbit, however, wasn't alone, for at his side was another hobbit who looked much like him; all the way down to the foot hair. You were practically pulling your hair out now. You just wanted to remain with your brother!

"It'll take something worse than being tied up in a sack to stop us!" Said the oldest of the two newest hobbits.

"Besides you need people of intelligence on this sort of!" He spat out. He looked hardly of intelligence.

"Well that rules you out Pip," said the oldest and he was most likely right.

"Nine companions," Elrond looked at this group of mixed races. There was doubt in his eye, but also hope and perhaps that ruled far more greater. ," so be it! You shall be the fellowship of the ring!" Lord Elrond said with a merry smile. You felt anything but merry at the moment.

Claps and cheers erupted from the audience," good! So, where are we going?" Said the fool called 'Pip'. That was the last straw.

"Alright! Alright! Wait a minute!" You stood from where you sat. "You would let a rather foolish bunch, onto this journey, but not me? Could I have a place among your fellowship Lord Elrond?" You face was red with anger. Everyone looked at you in confusion.

Boromir stepped to your side and grabbed your arm," not here y/n!" He whispered. You yanked your arm free and looked the lord in the eyes.

"I may not be the best fighter my Lord, but I am skilled in healing, please, let me come and I would treat the wounds of this company. It would be my honor and I am most willing to commit to this," you pleaded your case. Lord Elrond pondered this idea. A healer could ensure the lives of the fellowship, why not let her join? She could learn to fight in the meantime anyhow.

" So be it, but it is up to you y/n of Gondor, that you learn to fight like the others. You will need to hold your own so you don't drag the others down with you. Are we clear?" Elrond proposed the idea.

"Yes, my lo-" Boromir cut you off.

"-no!" He tried.

You gave him your best glare while saying," yes, my Lord, we are clear; I accept your offer," Boromir was fuming at your words.

"May the ten fellow, go now and rest, there is much to be done henceforth," ordered lord Elrdond and the gathering of races dispersed from the council. You were left alone with your brother who wouldn't stop burning holes in your head.

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