Prince's Choice

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Summary: The surrounding elf princesses have been ordered come to the Mirkwood kingdom to be 'selected' by the prince. You have grown up with Legolas and have fallen in love. Little did you know he felt the same way, but what do you do when Legolas calls your name as his selected new bride when you're hardly a princess an anything but royalty.


Today was a day that you were immensely dreading. You had dreamed of today coming ever since you met him. He was the elven prince of the Woodland realm known as Legolas Greenleaf. You had been attracted to the prince since he spoke to you. You didn't like him for his looks, of course, you admired how he loved nature and hunting–nothing like ruling a kingdom or sorting out the guard.

     Today of course was the day all of the elf princesses journeyed into to the Mirkwood palace and Legolas would have to pick one, provided that King Thranduil okay's the maiden first.

This event was going to be complete agony for you. You had thought about not going, but you wanted to stay for your friend who wanted you there. You had put on a long-flowy-white gown, that sparkled when it hit light just right.

You paused before the large wooden doors. You could hear the chatter of everyone on the other side and the harps and flute that played. You looked up at the extremely high ceiling,"by the stars, give me strength to not have a mental break down," you silently prayed. With a deep breath you opened the doors.

The sight was breath taking....and sickening. This was an absolute nightmare for you. You stifled the small lump in your throat. Crying right now would not be wise, besides why would Legolas even want to be with you? You were no princess and you felt you were hardly deserving of his love. As far as you knew, you were simply childhood friends and even greater friends now that you had matured together.

"Y/n!" 'Speak of the devil,' you thought. You turned and gave a convincing smile to Legolas.

"Legolas!" You bowed your head to each other. Legolas was wearing a royal silver tunic; you found him handsome in it. You gave your friend a hug for the sake of your friendship," I didn't know you'd be greeting others at the door," you looked to his side and saw the king. You bowed your head to him, and he to you.

"The king thought it best if all of the...maidens got to speak to me personally as they walked in," Legolas never addressed Thranduil as 'Father' in public.

"I can't imagine today being easy for you," you told him honestly.

"Aye, but it goes without saying," Legolas looked at the floor and then to you. "You look absolutely stunning tonight y/ friend," you saw something cross Legolas' face. Was it sadness? Was Legolas upset to call you friend? It broke your heart even more. The thought of him feeling the same way about you, but never getting to be with you.

You put a hand on his shoulder,"thank you," you gave a sad smile. He put his hand on your arm and you were still looking in each others' eyes when the door opened. An elf maid in a red dress and sporting brown hair came through the door. She practically pushed you aside to get to Legolas–her eyes round when she spotted him. You rolled your eyes,"I'll be by the wine if you need me, my lord," you said as if Legolas could hear you over the maiden bragging about herself. You stormed off to the long table with drinks.

     You grabbed one of the biggest wine glasses there were and filled it to the brim with a sweet red wine. You began taking quick sips. You observed from the far corner the gathering. It was beautiful, honestly. There was moss and vines hanging from the ceiling and climbing the walls. Pretty lights hung from the ceiling. Large glass windows were put in, letting in natural light. Legolas was about to make one elf beyond happy and it wasn't going to be you.

      The party continued and more and more princesses and their fathers walked in greeting Legolas. A couple times you and Legolas caught each other's eyes. Every glance you had were sad ones. You did not want to remember him like this. You could also imagine your time spent with him–you didn't know how his new bride would take to him going hunting with you.

     You had chatted with a few people you knew, but stayed remotely in the back of the room. Your fourth wine glass was half empty by now. You could feel the alcohol slightly buzzing in your system. You watched now, as Legolas and Thranduil made their way to the stone stage. It seemed like millions of white flowers adorned the stage. Knowing they were about to make thee announcement you turned your back to them.

       You walked to where the corner of the room was made of glass windows. The crowded room fell silent while they listened to the king speak. You tried not to listen as you held you wine glass tight and felt hot tears fill your eyes. Your heartache was unbearable, but you had to stay silent.

"You all know why you are here today,"began the king. His words caused you to accidentally let out a sniffle. Thankfully no one heard it.

"Today, is a memorable day, with the binding of two souls for all of eternity". The king spoke slow and emotionless as always. "My son and heir to the throne of this kingdom, has selected a maiden," you looked out the window. You tried to still your sobs, but that only made more tears flow like a river down your cheeks.

"Legolas, would you do the honor of announcing who you have selected?" You didn't know how long you could go on like this. You tried focusing on the waterfalls outside. You took deep breaths and your heart was beating loud in your ear.

"I am beyond pleased," Legolas began. 'At least he's happy, at least he is happy' repeated the voice in your head. "To announce that I have chosen my wife, and future queen to be miss y/n," he said happily.

     The silent room was filled with the sound of you dropping your wine glass. You froze. You locked your stare to the waterfalls. Had you heard wrong? There had to be another elf in the room with your name. There absolutely had to be. The room was silent, but you heard distant shuffling.

       You turned around slowly and saw elves making a path for someone. Most of the elves' eyes were on you. You watched as Legolas stepped from the crowd and approached you.

"Who is she? I've never heard of a y/n," said one of the maiden's fathers. You stared into into Legolas' eyes.

"Is she even a princess?" Asked one the maids from the back. Legolas seen your tear stained face and had a glum look. You could not believe this was happening.

"Indeed, she is the princess.....of Mirkwood. My friend that has planted the seed of love and I my heart. I've realized that there is no love blossoming for anyone else but only you," you heard the Legolas say. Legolas wiped your tears as you felt a few more roll down your cheek. You didn't even think, you just acted. You jumped on him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You stuck your nose in the nape of his neck and breathed him in. He held you up below your bum. He laughed as you held tight to him. You felt him walk to the stage. Although the crowd was displeased, they still cheered.

The king began," I must admit this was not the way I saw this even going but I can't deny that my son has loved y/n for many years." It was good to hear his father approved. All this time you thought he'd despised you.

          Legolas carried you to the stage and set you down. His bright smile made your heart flutter. As soon as you were put down you rammed into Thranduil with a hug. You and the king grew fond of each other when Legolas and you were friends. You were forever indebted to the king. There was no doubt that he helped Legolas with this decision. The king hugged you back just as equally.

You released the king and went back over to Legolas. The happiness you felt was indescribable, you were going to marry your best friend. You cupped Legolas' face and he cupped yours.
"I announce Legolas, and y/n to be a wedded couple for the rest of their lives, and the future rulers of this kingdom. May the years be blessed," the king watched the two of you with a smile.

Together you leaned in and passionately kissed each other. The kiss was meant to be for only you. The many white flowers erupted all of the sudden into the air. It caused white petals to fall flawlessly from high above. No other could have Legolas' love and no one else could have your love. Your hearts were solely meant for each other. You giggled at him as the kiss ended and smiled as the crowd and music chorused in the background.

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